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Senior Wind Resource Analyst at ENEL GREEN POWER, Enel Green Power
Mr. Felipe Canoura has been working in the wind industry for almost 14 years. He is based in Madrid (Spain) and he is currently a senior wind resource analyst at ENEL. He studied Physics at the University of Santiago de Compostela where he received his Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics. He also holds a degree in Mathematics from the Spanish U.N.E.D. university. He developed all his professional career in the renewable sector, firstly at Norvento Enerxía as energy (wind, solar and hydro) resource manager and lately at ENEL’s Wind Center of Excellence. His current role consists of supporting technically the team and improving the procedures, tools and methodologies followed in a wind resource assessment. His research is mainly focused on the numerical modelling of wind resource.Posters
- Experimental Insight into Blockage Effect
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