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Programme Leader Wind Energy, Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences
Sarah Barber leads the wind energy research programme at the Eastern Switzerland University of Applied Sciences and is founder and president of the Swiss Wind Energy R&D Network. She is also a lecturer in wind energy at the universities of Oldenburg (DE), Kassel (DE), St. Gallen (CH) and Graubünden (CH). As well as this, she is qualified Business Coach and runs leadership workshops for engineers in her spare time. She is passionate about improving inclusion in wind energy science, and is currently founded a Diversity Committee at the European Academy of Wind Energy. Sarah has a joint M.Eng. degree in Mechanical Engineering from the University of Cambridge (UK) and MIT (USA) and a Ph.D. in Mechanical Engineering on the topic of Soccer Ball Aerodynamics from the University of Sheffield (UK).Posters
- The IEA Wind Task 43 Metadata Challenge – A roadmap to enable commonality in wind energy data
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