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ZX Lidars
Scott has over 10 years experience in Wind Energy Research and Development. Following his graduation, he spent 6 years working as a researcher at the Centre for Renewable Energy System Technology (CREST) based at Loughborough University. Here he specialised on the application of Computational Fluid Dynamics to investigate topics such as wind flow in the urban environment, wind flow in and around forest canopies and the impacts of land based renewable energy systems on the local microclimate. In 2014 Scott joined ZXLidars (Formally ZephIR Lidar) as a Wind Engineer. Scott’s role has focuses on the improvement of ZXLidars ground-based and turbine-mounted lidar systems for the purposes of wind resource assessment and wind turbine optimisation. Scott is also heavily involved with lidar adoption and acceptance within the wind industry and has contributed to standards and recommended practices published by groups such as the IEA, IEC and CFARS.Posters
- Combining novel wind resource methodologies to deliver low-cost, ‘bankable’ data at a large onshore wind farm in complex terrain
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