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Project Technician, IHCantabria - Instituto de Hidráulica Ambiental de la Universidad de Cantabria
Álvaro Rodríguez-Luis earned his physics and mathematics degrees from the Cantabria University in 2018. Currently he combines his master studies in Numerical Methods in Engineering from the Catalonia Technical University with his job as a project technician in the Offshore Engineering and Ocean Energy group at the Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria "IHCantabria". For the last four years, under the supervision of PhD. Raul Guanche, he has focused his efforts in the development and maintenance of inhouse numerical methods. In particular, in the simulation of mooring systems and the mechanical interaction among several floating bodies. Other main topic of interest is the simulation and optimization of offshore O&M activities.Presentations
- Floating structures and components
Chain and nylon mooring lines for floating offshore wind foundations: numerical modelling validation
Chain and nylon mooring lines for floating offshore wind foundations: numerical modelling validation
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