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PO168: Improved wind speed estimation and rain quantification with continuous-wave lidar
Liqin Jin, PhD, DTU Wind Energy
Continuous-wave Doppler lidars have been used widely for wind resource estimation both onshore and offshore , as well as estimation of turbulence albeit with greater difficulty, to achieve precise wind turbine control and increase the power production. Therefore, the precise determination of the wind speed is paramount in many applications. However, in practice, heavy rain can influence the measured line-of-sight velocity of lidars due to a different projected speed on the lidar beam direction. It is therefore important to be able to separate the wind signal from the rain signal and worthy to quantify the characteristics of the rain due to its role in leading edge erosion of wind turbine blades. There are two main goals of this study. The first is to separate the rain signal from the wind velocity in order to obtain more precise measurement, and the second is to detect the characteristics of rain (speed, size and intensity of raindrops), and validate those through the comparison with disdrometers.
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