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ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent PartnersGlobal Markets TheatreWindTalks for InnovationProgramme Committee & Abstract ReviewersSpeaker's DashboardJonathan Fuller

Senior Research Engineer, National Composites Centre
Jonathan is an Senior Research Engineer at the National Composites Centre, working within the Energy Business Unit. Specialising in composite materials and manufacturing and sustainability for renewable energy, he provides his customers with expertise in this area by conducting a range of activities, including feasibility studies, materials characterisation, mechanical testing and prototype manufacture. He is currently the technical lead for SusWIND, having successfully led a UK government-funded programme of work that assessed the potential for high value design and manufacture of composite structures for offshore wind turbines. He has a PhD in Advanced Composites from the University of Bristol.Posters
- SusWIND – Developinga circular supply chain for UK turbine blade structures
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