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Electrical Engineer, Scientific Expert, Head of Press & Public Relations Office, Regulatory Authority for Energy
Dr. Dionysis Papachristou was born in Tzouba Soudan (17.12.1971) and originated from village Voutsara (Ioannina, Greece). He received Diplοma in Electrical & Computer Engineering on 1995, and Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering on 2000, both from National Technical University of Athens (NTUA), Greece. He is working in Regulatory Authority for Energy (RAE) of Greece as Scientific Expert, since 2001. He has been coordinator in the Licensing procedure with lots of responsibilities in various fields of the electricity energy sector, Coordinator of Competitive procedures (Auctions) Design & Implementation Unit and Coordinator of the new RAE’s IT RES Platform. Currently he is the Director of Press & Public Relations Office, and represent RAE at several working groups. His research and scientific interests are in the fields of Power Systems, Renewable Energy Sources, Energy Policy, Digital Transformation and strategy.Posters
- A new innovative IT system for Wind parks in Greece reducing the bureaucracy and regulatory response time
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