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CTO, nabla wind hub
Mr. Ruben has over 17 years’ experience in wind energy projects regarding Aerodynamics and Aeroelasticity in major OEMs. He studied a master in pure mathematics, differential geometry, and systems dynamics in the University of Basque Country. After his studies, Mr. Rubén has been member of the board of high-tech companies in wind, where he worked to managed different projects as Head of Aerodynamics and Loads. Meanwhile he was the Invited Professor of Wind Energy and Aerodynamics in the university of the Basque Country in 2011. In 2014 he founded Nabla Wind Power, where he headed the pioneer company in wind farms Life Extension and Performance Improvement Analysis for the best long-term management of the assets. In February 2021, Nabla Wind Power got merged with eTa Blades and Romo Wind, under the new name of Nabla Wind Hub, where Mr. Ruben has been appointed Chief Technology Officer for the group.Posters
- Retipping: the most cost-effective rerotoring solution to increase the Annual Energy Production (AEP) while reducing the Levelized Cost of Energy (LCOE).
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