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Global Product Group Technology Manager, ABB
Carlos Nieto is the Global Product Line Manager Energy Storage for Packaging and Solutions within Electrification Distribution Solutions at ABB, where Carlos leads the Energy Storage organization for the Global Product Group. Carlos has been working for ABB for more than 9 years and previously he was a researcher in the Carlos III University of Madrid where he coursed a Ph.D and M.Sc in Electrical, Electronics and Automation Engineering and a B.Sc in Electrical Engineering. He is also an active member of the IEC committee. In his current role he focuses on the business development of energy storage where his technical field of expertise lays down on battery energy storage systems and electromobility as well as control techniques. He has a strong interest and focus on staying abreast of industry changes and contributing to the development of the electrification industry. Published over 20 articles, 7 issued patents.Posters
- Artificial Intelligence towards Battery Energy Storage Systems
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