Posters - WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao


Come meet the poster presenters to ask them questions and discuss their work

Check the programme for our poster viewing moments. For more details on each poster, click on the poster titles to read the abstract. On Wednesday, 6 April at 15:30-16:15, join us on Level 3 of the Conference area for the Poster Awards!

PO074: Development of a comprehensive cost database for floating offshore wind systems

Craig White, PhD student, WavEC Offshore Renewables


This work presents the development of a Floating Offshore Wind (FOW)-specific comprehensive cost database that aims to bridge this gap between accurate cost data and the wider research community. The database will serve as an informative tool to assist in the planning and costing of FOW systems across all technology readiness levels (TRLs). This database has clear relevance because accurate cost data is both essential and hard to acquire, with OEMs) reluctant to divulge high quality and relevant cost data. Cost data is often categorized into large scale data, with process, sub-system and component-level values omitted. This impacts research, the accuracy of simulations tools and hinder the progress of early project planning. These barriers can lead to generic and outdated cost data being used, leading to inaccuracies and unexpected costs further down the project timeline. To help solve this issue, readily accessible and accurate cost data for both capital expenditure and operations and maintenance (O&M) activities should be widely available to the research community to facilitate research and project development.

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