Presenters and Speakers - WindEurope Annual Event 2022 in Bilbao

Presenters and Speakers

Francesco Boscolo Papo

Researcher in Offshore Renewable Energy, Tecnalia


Since 2011 Mr. Boscolo has been working in the Offshore Energy Area at Tecnalia Research & Innovation at Derio (Spain) as researcher. He has been working in several national and international projects. The main activities have been focused on the design of mooring system and power cable evacuation grid for floating offshore wind platforms and wave energy converters. During these years he has got knowledge in design of mooring system and electrical evacuation cable for floating offshore platforms; hydrodynamic characterizations of floating devices; international engineering codes and standards; design of power evacuation grid for offshore energy farms; analysis of metoceanic data; marine operations design; techno-economic assessment of offshore devices


  • Comparison of different dynamic cable configurations for floating offshore wind turbines: static design tools
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