ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersSafety, Skills & Training ZoneThought Leaders Forum
PO001: Gearbox 4.0: Gathering quality data for predictive maintenance
Eneko Gorritxategi, CTO, Atten2 Advanced Monitoring Technologies

PO002: GREENCHAIN: commercial blockchain platform of renewable origin of Acciona’s fleet
Pedro Benítez Estebanet, Blockchain Project Manager, Acciona Energy

PO004: International Energy Agency (IEA) Topical Experts Meeting #92: Wind Energy Digitalization and the upcoming international collaborative work
Jason Fields, Senior Engineer, NREL (National Renewable Energy Laboratory)
PO005: Open science: sharing data, tools and workflows. A strategy to inspire efficient collaboration in the wind industry. [Poster Award Winner]
Nikolay Dimitrov, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
PO008: Site-specific load assessment for fatigue analysis and life prediction of wind turbine components
Mercedes Irujo, Expert in Aeroelastic and Structural Simulation of Wind Turbines , Acciona

PO009: Why data quality matters
Bjørn Dörr Jensen, M. Sc., Decision Intelligence Specialist, Vestas Wind Systems A/S

PO010: Leapfrogging the met mast: integrating lidar with simulations
Daniel Gallacher, Senior Lidar Consultant, Wood Group

PO011: Designing and Delivering the World’s Largest Grid Emulation System
Michael Smailes, Research Engineer Offshore Electrical Infrastructures, ORE Catapult

PO012: Opening Access to Data Through Data Licensing & Syndication
Philip Totaro, CEO, IntelStor

PO015: Lifetime Extension, Repowering or Decommissioning? Decision Support for Operators of Ageing Wind Turbines
Jan-Hendrik Piel, MSc, Co-Founder & PhD-Researcher, Nefino GmbH & Information Systems Institute, Leibniz Universität Hannover
End-of-life issues

PO016: Life Time Extension: practical experiences with stall and pitch regulated turbines
Bart Visser, Senior Chief Engineer, MECAL
End-of-life issues

PO017: Farm-wide assessment of wind turbine lifetime extension using detailed tower model and actual operational history [Poster Award Winner]
Dr. techn. Abbas Kazemi Amiri, Research Associate, University of Strathclyde
End-of-life issues
PO018: LIVEON: assessing options for life extension
Laura Fitzmaurice, Research Associate, Ulster University
End-of-life issues

PO019: A 20 year old wind turbine lifetime extension case study
Fabrice Estézet, Head of Type Certification, Bureau Veritas
End-of-life issues

PO020: Repowering in Greece, revitalization of the wind energy market
Dionysios Andronas, Electrical & Electronic Engineer, Andronas Bros
End-of-life issues
PO021: Challenges of decommissioning offshore wind farms: Overview of the European experience
Eva Topham, Project Engineer, DNV GL
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO023: Validation of bat deterrent effectiveness through full-scale testing on several wind plants
Brogan Morton, Senior Product Manager, NRG Systems
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO024: Risk mitigation in power transformers for offshore platforms and wind turbines
Miguel Aguirre, Senior R&D Mechanical Engineer, ABB
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO025: Environmental impact assessment of wind farm repowering projects: the challenges for wind energy in Portugal
José Miguel Oliveira, Project Director, Empreendimentos Eólicos do Vale do Minho, S.A.
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO026: The impact of wind energy development on avian faune (case study Greece)
Andreas Vlamakis, Project Manager, ENTEKA SA
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning
PO027: 3D floating RADAR for a better understanding of bird & bats activity on OWF development areas
Maxime Bellorge, Project Sales Director, Akrocean
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO029: Local acceptance for wind energy through co-creation [Poster Award Winner]
Prof. Dr. Ruth Schmitt, Head of the Institute, Institute of Humanities and Social Sciences, School of Engineering, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Northwestern Switzerland
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO030: Understanding public perception of offshore wind farms in Ireland
Yvonne Cronin, Masters by Research Student, University College Cork
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO031: Remanufacturing in wind energy could reduce the levelized cost of energy (LCOE)
Philipp Schmid, Marketing Manager, SKF
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO032: Wind energy, aviation safety and the community - a complex relationship
Adrian Young, Senior Aviation Consultant, To70
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO034: Marine biodiversity and the development of a North Sea offshore powerhouse
Huygen van Steen, Managing Consultant, Navigant
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO035: Designing a Business Offshore energy model. The clustering for Portuguese sector based on SWOT analysis
Ana Cristina Pego, Researcher, Centre for Interdisciplinary Social Sciences (CICS), School of Social Sciences and Humanities, Universidade Nova de Lisboa
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO036: New era for Wind Power in Greece: The results of the auctions within 2018 and perspectives
Apostolos Gizas, Electrical Engineer, Regulatory Authority for Energy
Environmental impacts, social acceptance & spatial planning

PO037: Financing wind farms after two auctions in Greece
Konstantinos Gkarakis, Energy Engineer, University of West Attica
Financing wind energy

PO038: Construction of onshore wind farms in Ukraine in the period of the replacement of the feed-in tariff by auctions [Poster Award Winner]
Maryna Hritsyshyna, Counsel, Sayenko Kharenko
Financing wind energy

PO040: Financing in the auction world
Carlos Albero, Finance Segment Leader, DNV GL
Financing wind energy

PO043: Certification schemes for Marine Renewable Energies
Edouard Richard, Wind & MRE Project Manager, Bureau Veritas
Floating offshore wind
PO044: Development of a digital twin of BiMEP test site for Floating Offshore Wind Platforms
Dorleta Marina, Project Manager, BiMEP
Floating offshore wind

PO045: PivotBuoy®: An advanced system for cost-effective and reliable mooring, connection, installation and operation of floating wind
Alex Raventos, CEO & Co-founder, X1 Wind
Floating offshore wind
PO046: A new lightweight wave canceling semi-submersible design
Frank Lemmer, Research Associate, University of Stuttgart
Floating offshore wind

PO047: Scaled wave tank hybrid testing of the TELWIND floating platform for a 5 MW wind turbine
José Azcona Armendáriz, PhD, MEng, Head of Offshore Wind Energy Bussiness Unit, CENER
Floating offshore wind
PO049: Floating offshore wind turbines: A simplified approach of aero-hydro coupling to optimize the floater structure design
Caroline Le Floc'h, Head of Renewables, DORIS Engineering
Floating offshore wind

Tommaso Battistella, Researcher, Environmental Hydraulics Institute of Cantabria "IH Cantabria"
Floating offshore wind

PO051: Floating offshore wind turbines: floater optimization with genetic algorithm methodology
Evgeny Andreev, Senior Naval Architect, DORIS Engineering
Floating offshore wind

PO052: Drift stability of HyStOH semi-submersible supported by aerodynamic shaped structrures
Andreas Manjock, Principal Engineer, DNV GL
Floating offshore wind

PO053: Design of reliable power cables for floating wind
Atle Lagset, Specialist Engineer, Aker Solutions
Floating offshore wind

PO054: Geographical influence in wind energy price: spatial analysis of capture price in the Iberian Peninsula
Sergio Jiménez Sanjuán, Senior Data Scientist, DNV GL
Grid & Market Integartion

PO055: Increasing hosting capacity from PV and wind power plants using spatial and temporal demand side management
Dimitrije Kotur, Power Solution Architect, Schneider Electric DMS NS
Grid & Market Integartion

PO056: Correcting forecast deviations uncertainty for wind turbine generating power by properly sized energy storage
Pavle Dakic, Phd Student, University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering
Grid & Market Integartion

PO057: Free wind operation of wind turbine for permanent power system frequency support
Zeljko Djurisic, University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering
Grid & Market Integartion

PO058: Optimized energy management strategy for wind plants with storage in energy and reserve markets
Amaia González-Garrido, Researcher, IK4-Ikerlan
Grid & Market Integartion

PO059: Increasing the value of offshore wind by integrating on-board energy storage [Poster Award Winner]
Dr Daniel Buhagiar, PhD, Post-Doc Researcher, University of Malta
Grid & Market Integartion

PO060: Impact of the hybridization of renewable generation and storage assets on the future electricity systems
Lars Christian Christensen, Chief Specialist, Vestas Wind Systems A/S
Grid & Market Integartion
PO062: Conceptual design of pumped-storage hydro power plant on Skadar Lake in Montenegro
Katarina Selenic, Student, University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering
Grid & Market Integartion

PO063: International experience of wind integration - success stories of operating power systems with large amounts of wind power
Hannele Holttinen, Partner, Recognis & Operating Agent at IEA WIND Task 25
Grid & Market Integartion

PO064: Increasing coverage for renewables through wind, PV and energy storage hybridization
Enrique Iriarte Madurga, Innovation - Projects Director, Acciona Energía
Grid & Market Integartion

PO066: Hybrids enhancing capacity factors and more optimal use of existing grid infrastructure
Amelie Wulff, Global Sales Leader Hybrid Solutions, GE Renewable Energy
Grid & Market Integartion

PO068: Price capturing in Spain: taming wind farm merchant risk
Alexander Klein, Technical advisor, Everoze Partners
Grid & Market Integartion

PO069: IEA Wind Task 36 Forecasting
Dr. Gregor Giebel, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Grid & Market Integartion

PO070: Is hydrogen energy storage ready for prime time on the European (North American) grid?
Michael Stavy, MBA-Kellogg; CPA-Illinois (Inactive), Senior Advisor, Senior Advisor on Renewable Energy Finance
Grid & Market Integartion
PO072: Barriers against wind integration in Japan
Yoh Yasuda, Professor, Kyoto University
Grid & Market Integartion

PO073: Battery system converter for smart grids
Carlos Rivas, Research & Development Manager, ELINSA
Grid & Market Integartion

PO077: TotalControl – Advanced integrated control of large-scale wind power plants and wind turbines
Dr. Gregor Giebel, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Grid & Market Integartion

PO079: Effect of wind directions and the urban environment in the positioning of small wind turbines on tall buildings
Silvana Tourn, PhD, MSc, PhD Researcher, Ministerio de Panificación, Ambiente e Innovación Tecnológica del Gobierno del Pueblo de la Provincia del Chaco
Installation & logistics

PO081: A new approach for assessing vessel collisions on offshore jacket foundations
Diego Rodriguez, MSc, Structural Engineer, Ingecid and University of Cantabria
Operations & Maintenance

PO082: EFAFLU test case: cold start-up validation of transformer pumps by the use of a large climatic test chamber
Daniele Brandolisio, Application and Test Engineer, OWI-Lab Sirris
Operations & Maintenance
PO083: Sensing & remote monitoring for wind turbine components suppliers
José Ignacio Hormaeche, General Manager, Basque Energy Cluster (Cluster Energia)
Operations & Maintenance
PO086: Case management for wind farms: collaborate data framework and tools
Jesus Vita, Vice President - Business Development EMEA, Power Factors
Operations & Maintenance

PO088: Enabling closer collaboration with contracts based on performance criteria
Raf Kerkhofs, Manager Wind Aftermarket and Digitalization, SKF
Operations & Maintenance

PO090: Your prediction algorithm needs the right threshold
Juan José Cardenas, Chief Research Officer - Data Scientist, Smartive (Itestit S.L.)
Operations & Maintenance

PO091: How ensembling can boost your classifier performances
Mattia Beretta, PhD. student & Data Scientist, UPC
Operations & Maintenance
PO092: Data to action: advanced analytics applied to asset management
Jesus Vita, Vice President - Business Development EMEA, Power Factors
Operations & Maintenance
PO093: On the use of AI based vibration condition monitoring of wind turbine gearboxes
Sofia Koukoura, PhD Researcher, University of Strathclyde
Operations & Maintenance

PO095: An AI approach to control and monitor wind farm assets using satellite images
Eduardo Cuesta Lázaro, Data Scientist, Pervasive Technologies, S.L.
Operations & Maintenance

PO096: Turbine's advanced life extension by means of Artificial Intelligence [Poster Award Winner]
Juan José Cardenas, Chief Research Officer - Data Scientist, Smartive (Itestit S.L.)
Operations & Maintenance

PO097: Solution to minimize leading edge erosion on turbine blades
Charlotte Hasager, Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy
Operations & Maintenance

PO098: The effect of wake position and yaw misalignment on power loss in wind turbines
Jaime Liew, Research Assistant, DTU Wind Energy
Operations & Maintenance

PO099: Framework for managing the operations and maintenance of wind farms
Juan Izquierdo, Researcher, IK4-Ikerlan
Operations & Maintenance

PO100: Nacelle lidars for waked detection and wake inflow energy loss estimation
Matt Smith, Senior Sales Manager, Zephir Ltd
Operations & Maintenance

PO101: Wind yaw misalignment measurements and energy loss projections from a multi-lidar instrumented wind farm
Matt Smith, Senior Sales Manager, Zephir Ltd
Operations & Maintenance

PO103: Aeronautical experience and technology for reliable and long life wind energy
Joseba Aramburu, VP Corporate Projects, Aernnova Aerospace
Operations & Maintenance

PO104: Validation of wind farm downtime modelling and impact on grid-constrained projects
Nathan Hill, Specialist Energy Resource Services, Lloyd's Register
Operations & Maintenance
PO107: Floating lidar uncertainty reduction for use on operational wind farms
John Slater, Senior Consultant, Fichtner Consulting Engineers
Operations & Maintenance

PO108: Digital remote expert - condition monitoring service with portable equipment
Ing. Danilo Scamonatti, Machinery Diagnostics Manager, Moventas Gears Srl
Operations & Maintenance

PO110: Quality assurance with drones for on- and offshore wind turbines
Robert Hörmann, CEO, Aero Enterprise GmbH
Operations & Maintenance

PO111: Hack the error codes of a wind turbine
Henrik Pedersen, Senior Wind Energy Consultant, EMD International A/S
Operations & Maintenance

PO112: O&M management optimization based on lubrication systems handling
Alvaro Romo, Field Services Leader, Atten2 Advanced Monitoring Technologies
Operations & Maintenance
PO113: Diagnosis for predictive maintenance and life extension of gas insulated medium voltage switchgear in wind farms
Cipriano Cerro, Area Product Manager, Ormazabal
Operations & Maintenance

PO114: Visualisation of probabilistic access forecasts for offshore operations
Ciaran Gilbert, PhD Student, University of Strathclyde
Operations & Maintenance

PO115: Transferability of operational status classification models among different wind turbine types
Mr Anton Martinsson, Mmath&Phys, Graduate Student, University of Edinburgh
Operations & Maintenance

PO116: ROMEO: a project that will contribute to offshore O&M cost reduction
César Yanes, Head of Innovation, Iberdrola Renovables
Operations & Maintenance

PO117: A novel probabilistic long-term fault prediction framework beyond SCADA
Jürgen Herp, PhD, Assistant Professor, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moeller Institute, University of Southern Denmark
Operations & Maintenance

PO118: How to get rid of static data reports and interface problems?
Nordine Saïdi Mazarou, Engineer Advisor, IMDC nv
Operations & Maintenance

PO120: Flexible quality control methodology applicable for diverse data sources
Beatriz Cañadillas, Senior Engineer at R&D group, UL International
Operations & Maintenance
PO123: Advanced analytics in wind farm O&M
Jesus Vita, Vice President - Business Development EMEA, Power Factors
Operations & Maintenance

PO125: Wind Asset Management - Integrated Solution
Kjersti Røkenes, PhD, Product Director Renewables, Kongsberg Digital AS
Operations & Maintenance

PO128: Measuring the value of wind farm optimization. An example in cold climates.
Dr.-Ing. Luis Vera-Tudela, Head of Wind Power Knowledge, fos4X GmbH
Operations & Maintenance

PO129: Deep learning is blowing in the wind - deep models applied to wind predication
Jaume Manero, Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya
Resource Assessment

PO130: The “Why?”, “What?” and “How?“ of lidar type classification
Matt Smith, Senior Sales Manager, Zephir Ltd
Resource Assessment

PO131: Turbulence intensity measurements – a multi-site comparison between Z300 and traditional anemometry
Scott Wylie, Wind & Verifications Engineer, Zephir Ltd
Resource Assessment

PO132: A reliable experimental methodology for the study of wind-turbine rotor blade aerodynamics
Dr. Marco Costantini, Researcher, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)
Resource Assessment

PO133: How drones can improve topography inspections, terrain modelling and energy yield assessment
Niels Peyre, MSc, Senior Renewable Energy Consultant, Wood
Resource Assessment

PO134: Clear-air data availability of continuous-wave scanned lidar
Matt Smith, Senior Sales Manager, Zephir Ltd
Resource Assessment

PO135: AEOLIKOS project: Design and development of the first Greek long-range wind lidar
Dr. George Avdikos, R & D / New products, Raymetrics
Resource Assessment
PO136: A method of correcting wind speed measurement results obtained from sensors placed on a lattice mast
Mr Vladislavs Bezrukovs, Researcher, Ventspils University College
Resource Assessment

PO138: Investigation of the impacts of real world flow conditions on wind turbine power performance through nacelle lidar combined with advanced CFD modelling
Graeme Watson, Senior Energy Analyst, Natural Power
Resource Assessment

PO139: Sub-seasonal to seasonal climate predictions for wind energy forecasting
Dr. Albert Soret, Earth System Services Group Leader, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
Resource Assessment

PO140: Use of instantaneous and directional wind shears in the extrapolation of wind data to hub height and their influence in wind turbine power estimation
Soledad Sanz Sánchez-Luengo, Wind Resource Engineer, Iberdrola Renovables
Resource Assessment

PO142: Validating flow model uncertainty using operational data
Matthew Zhang, Specialist - Energy Resource Services, Lloyd's Register
Resource Assessment

PO143: Novel aerodynamic damping identification for operating wind turbines
Mr. Chao Chen, Research Student, University College London
Resource Assessment

PO144: Breakthrough weather prediction technology enables wind turbine resolving resource assessments.
Remco Verzijlbergh, Director of Operations, Whiffle Weather Finecasting
Resource Assessment

PO146: Unravelling the wind flow over highly complex regions through computational modelling and three-dimensional lidar scanning
José Palma, Professor, University of Porto
Resource Assessment

PO147: Improving accuracy of wind resource assessment through feedback loops of operational performance data: a South African case study
Tim Crutchley, Energy Resource Services Manager, Lloyd's Register
Resource Assessment

PO148: Application of mesoscale models to complex climates: a case study in the desert of Atacama
Eulalia Monfort, Analyst, UL International
Resource Assessment

PO149: On the meso-to-microscale modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer in a complex terrain site: an open-science framework.
Roberto Aurelio Chavez-Arroyo, Researcher, CENER
Resource Assessment

PO150: Enhanced modelling of the stratified atmospheric boundary layer over steep terrain for wind resource assessment
Alex Flores-Maradiaga, PhD, Assitant Professor & Head of the Hirschmann Renewable Energy Lab, Federico Santa María Technical University
Resource Assessment

PO151: An approach for estimating energy losses due to ice in pre-construction energy assessments
Alejandro Abascal, Global Technical Support Head - Energy Assessment, Iberdrola Renovables
Resource Assessment
PO152: Effective validation for time series icing modelling using operational SCADA data
Albert Bosch i Mas, MSc, Wind Meteorologist , Vortex
Resource Assessment

PO153: How long should be « long term » to reduce uncertainty on annual wind energy assessment ?
Alexis Dutrieux, Managing Director, ATM-PRO S.P.R.L.
Resource Assessment

PO155: Machine learning methods to reduce uncertainty in energy yield assessment
Trenton Bush, Analyst, K2 Management
Resource Assessment

PO156: Historical wind speed trends and impact on long-term adjustment and interannual variability in Cyprus
Konstantinos Gkarakis, Energy Engineer, University of West Attica
Resource Assessment

PO157: Wind speeds from global reanalyses. Intercomparison and validation with met mast data.
Jaume Ramon, Research Student, Barcelona Supercomputing Center (BSC)
Resource Assessment

PO158: A model for comparative assessment of wind sites with regards to blade erosion
Raul Prieto, Senior Scientist - Wind Power, VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland
Resource Assessment

PO160: Are mesoscale ensembles useful for estimating the uncertainty of wind resource atlases? [Poster Award Winner]
Dr. Björn Witha, Post-Doc, ForWind, University of Oldenburg
Resource Assessment

PO161: SCADA data as a means for the verification of mesoscale wind simulations
Axel Weiter, MSc, Product Developer Wind Atlas, anemos GmbH
Resource Assessment

PO162: Verification of a fully numerical approach for early stage wind resource assessment in absence of onsite measurements
Dr Rolf-Erik Keck, Senior Wind Analyst, Modern Energy
Resource Assessment

PO164: CFD Modelling of mast effects on anemometer readings
Neil Atkinson, K2 Management
Resource Assessment

PO165: Analysis on the parameters under the power measurement uncertainty for a small wind turbine
Keonhoon Kim, Principal Researcher, KOREA INSTITUTE OF ENERGY RESEARCH
Resource Assessment

PO166: Using wind data from meteorological stations in France for the long-term adjustment
Hélène Willis, Wind Analyst, Eoltech
Resource Assessment

PO167: Introduction of principle of reversal of evidence in power curve warranties
Axel Albers, Managing Director, Deutsche WindGuard
Resource Assessment

PO168: Evaluation of wind measurement uncertainty of Windcube in complex terrain
Paul Mazoyer, Application Engineer, Leosphere
Resource Assessment

PO169: Flow Complexity Recognition and vector averaging. Experience with LiDAR data in moderately complex terrain.
Nicolas Marquet, Engineer, DNV GL
Resource Assessment

PO170: Reducing annual energy production sensitivity to precipitation with remote sensing devices
Andrew Black, MSc, Researcher, Vaisala
Resource Assessment

PO171: Using lightships in the North Sea as a platform for long term wind lidar measurements
Beatriz Cañadillas, Senior Engineer at R&D group, UL International
Resource Assessment

PO172: Engineering models for turbine wake velocity deficit and wake deflection. A new proposed approach for onshore and offshore applications.
Renzo Ruisi, MSc, Researcher, DNV GL
Resource Assessment

PO173: A multi-project validation study of a time series-based wake model
Mark Stoelinga, Senior Scientist, Vaisala
Resource Assessment

PO174: Sensitivity analysis on power output calculation in a waked environment : how does wake influence power output ?
Alexis Dutrieux, Managing Director, ATM-PRO S.P.R.L.
Resource Assessment
PO175: Rapid RANS wake simulation with customisable turbine models: CPU / GPU with Python interface
Dr David Standingford, Director, Zenotech Ltd
Resource Assessment

PO176: Improvements to the Eddy Viscosity wind turbine wake model
Kester Gunn, Modelling and Analytics Expert, E.ON
Resource Assessment

PO177: Innovative solutions for developing soft skills and leadership skills in the wind energy industry for the digital era
Dr. Sarah Barber, Programme Leader Wind Energy, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil
Health & safety and skills
PO178: Elican project completion: installation of world’s first crane-less bottom fixed offshore wind tower
José Serna, CTO, ESTEYCO
Supply chain & Logistics

PO180: Methodogy for pre-design of gravity based foundations
Jokin Rico, Technical Director, INGECID
Supply chain & Logistics

PO181: New solution for jacket foundation
Marina Llama, Project Manager, INGECID
Supply chain & Logistics
PO183: Optimised de-rated wind turbine response and loading through extended controller gain scheduling
Christos Galinos, Development Engineer, DTU Wind Energy
Turbine Technology

PO184: Implementation of special operation conditions in Bearing Robustness Test (BRT)
Andreas Hirt, Research Assistant, Center for Wind Power Drives (RWTH Aachen University)
Turbine Technology
PO185: Incorporating tower mass into expression for first-mode eigenfrequency of a semi-guy-wired vertical axis wind turbine tower
Fredrikc Ottermo, Associate Professor in Energy Engineering, Halmstad University
Turbine Technology

PO186: Reduction of LCoE by a smart tower solution for hub heights of 160+ [m]
Wolfgang Fuellhaas, Project Manager, MECAL
Turbine Technology

PO187: Gearbox design for wear minimization: lessons from the field
Edgar Martinez de Aguas, CEO, Atten2 Advanced Monitoring Technologies
Turbine Technology

PO188: Development of INGECON® WIND LV Power Converter for DFIG topology wind turbines up to 5.X MW
Aritz Lorea Iriguíbel, DFM Product Manager, Ingeteam Power Technology S.A.
Turbine Technology

PO189: Model sensitivity analysis for an electromechanical simulation of a direct-drive generator
Tobias Duda, Research Scientist, Center for Wind Power Drives (RWTH Aachen University)
Turbine Technology
PO190: "FlexPad” - Test bench trials on an innovative sliding bearing for the wind turbine main bearing
Tim Schröder, Team Leader WT Component Design, Chair for Wind Power Drives (RWTH Aachen University)
Turbine Technology

PO191: Determination of wind turbine main bearing load distribution
Stefan Kock, Team Leader Component Test, Center for Wind Power Drives (RWTH Aachen University)
Turbine Technology

PO192: MODEOL: New generation of technology for the development of wind turbine modules
Aitor Zurutuza, PhD, R&D Manager, Laulagun Bearings
Turbine Technology
PO193: The EcoSwing Generator – World’s first superconducting wind power generator supplying power to the grid [Poster Award Winner]
Dr. Markus Bauer, VP Business Development, THEVA Dünnschichttechnik GmbH
Turbine Technology

PO194: A straightforward way to calculate the stiffness of slewing bearings
Dr Iker Heras, Associate professor, University of the Basque Country
Turbine Technology

PO195: Wind train technology: mechanical energy storage in turbine blades to boost electrical output
Dishant Mishra, Project Head, Baud Resources
Turbine Technology

PO196: Extremum seeking control for optimization of a Pelton turbine controller in a hydraulic wind turbine
Sebastiaan Paul Mulders, PhD Candidate, Delft University of Technology
Turbine Technology

PO197: Wind tunnel setup for experimental validation of wind turbine control concepts under tailor-made reproducible wind conditions
Vlaho Petrović, Postdoc, ForWind, University of Oldenburg
Turbine Technology

PO198: Parametric study of vane-type vortex generators under adverse pressure gradient by source term modelling in OpenFOAM
Unai Fernandez-Gamiz, Associate Professor, University of the Basque Country
Turbine Technology

PO199: Preliminary validation of ATOM: an aero-servo-elastic design tool for next generation wind turbines
Mr Samuel Scott, PhD Student, University of Bristol
Turbine Technology

PO200: A new approach for comparability of two- and three-bladed 20 MW offshore wind turbines
Fabian Anstock, MSc., Research Associate, Hamburg University of Applied Science
Turbine Technology

PO202: Pitch bearing lifetime prediction considering the effect of the pitch control strategy
Dr. Arkaitz Lopez Jauregui, PhD, PhD Engineering, Laulagun Bearings
Turbine Technology
PO203: Challenges of next generation wind turbine blades
John Korsgaard, Senior Director, LM Wind Power
Turbine Technology

PO204: OEMs are Shifting Towards Global Supply Chain Cost Optimization at the Expense of Optimal Turbine LCOE
Philip Totaro, CEO, IntelStor
Turbine Technology
PO205: Harvesting high altitude wind energy - Airborne wind turbine
Michael Perlberger, Founder, Brainwhere GmbH
Turbine Technology

PO206: The benefit of the teetering rotor in an offshore wind turbine and floating platform system
Silvestro Caruso, CTO, Seawind Ocean Technology
Turbine Technology

PO207: Evolutionary bearing design could boost wind turbine availability and profitability
Blanca Martin, Global Business Development - Energy, SKF
Turbine Technology
PO208: Different types of TMD for application in onshore and offshore wind turbine towers
Karl-Heinz Hanus, Senior Engineer, ESM Energie- und Schwingungstechnik Mitsch GmbH
Turbine Technology

PO211: On wind turbine control for participation in grid frequency regulation
Iker Elorza, Control and Monitoring Researcher, IK4-Ikerlan
Turbine Technology

PO212: A blade load feedback control for floating offshore wind turbines
Joannes Olondriz, Researcher, IK4-Ikerlan
Turbine Technology

PO214: Real-time incoming wind preview from nacelle LiDAR measurements
Fabrice Guillemin, Wind Turbine Control Project Manager, IFP Energies nouvelles
Turbine Technology

PO215: Nonlinear estimation of important variables using neural network in wind farms
Prof. Sung-ho Hur, PhD, Assistant Professor, School of Electronics Engineering, Kyungpook National University
Turbine Technology

PO216: Foundation damping modelling for the optimum design of offshore wind turbines
Dr. Abdollah Malekjafarian, PhD, Research Scientist, University College Dublin
Turbine Technology
PO217: Comparative concept design study of laterally loaded monopiles
Kostas Kaltekis, MSc, Geotechnical Consultant, Fugro
Turbine Technology

PO218: Integrated implementation of industrial innovation for offshore wind cost reduction
Jesper Moeller, Head of Offshore Balance of Plant Innovations, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy
Turbine Technology
PO219: Comparison of inflow-turbulence and trailing-edge noise models with measurements of a 200-kW vertical axis wind turbine
Fredrikc Ottermo, Associate Professor in Energy Engineering, Halmstad University
Turbine Technology

PO220: DNV GL experience on Blade manufacturing flaws in operational assets
Amilcar Zambrano, Senior Engineer, DNV GL
Turbine Technology

PO221: Effects of leading edge erosion on the power performance and acoustic noise emissions of locally manufactured small wind turbine blades
Kostas Latoufis, Researcher, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
Turbine Technology

PO222: Serrations effect on the aerodynamic performance of wind turbine airfoils
Elena Llorente, Aerodynamic Lead, Nordex Group
Turbine Technology

PO224: Understanding of leading-edge protection erosion performance using nano-silicates for modification
Imad Ouachan, MChem, PhD Researcher, Univeristy of Bristol (ACCIS)
Turbine Technology
PO225: Computational fluid dynamics methodology for characterisation of leading edge erosion in whirling arm test rigs
Robbie Herring, EngD Student, University of Bristol
Turbine Technology

PO226: Measuring MNm torques withing a high-temperature superconducting generator prototype testing campaign
Hans Kyling, Group Manager, Fraunhofer IWES
Turbine Technology

PO227: Optimizing of the performance and energy generation of wind turbines and wind farms: Medium Voltage Solution including self-powered protection & control unit.
Izaskun Zamakona, Project Manager, Ormazabal
Turbine Technology

PO229: CFD for site calibration of nacelle mounted lidar
Matt Smith, Senior Sales Manager, Zephir Ltd
Turbine Technology

PO230: Investigating the potential of offshore wind turbine position optimization
Bryce Wade, MSc. Energy Technologies, University of Lisbon
Turbine Technology

PO231: Digital twin of a real wind turbine: development and validation
Alvaro González-Salcedo, Engineer, CENER
Turbine Technology

PO232: Development of a panel code and integration into OpenFAST
Alvaro González-Salcedo, Engineer, CENER
Turbine Technology

PO233: Optimising yaw control at wind farm level
Ervin Bossanyi, Senior Principal Researcher, DNV GL
Turbine Technology

PO235: Use of IoT sensing devices to optimise wind farms operations
Bruno Pinto, CTO, Sereema
Turbine Technology

PO236: Innovative system for performance monitoring and optimization: independent data to increase AEP & preserve turbine lifetime
Mus Rezzoug, Managing Director, Sereema
Turbine Technology