National Partners

WindEurope’s national and regional partners in Spain have been working in close collaboration with us to ensure you get the most out of your time in Bilbao. Learn more about our partners below.

As the voice of the wind sector in Spain, the Spanish Wind Energy Association (AEE) promotes the use of wind energy in Spain, Europe and worldwide. Its 200 member companies include promoters, wind generator and component manufacturers, national and regional associations, organisations connected with the sector, consultants, lawyers and financial entities, and more.

The Energy Agency of the Basque Government (EVE) has positioned wind power as one of the key pillars in the development of renewables in the Basque Country up to 2030. By 2030, it aims to have developed a wind power capacity of 783 MW. In addition to the manufacture of wind turbines and the development and operation of wind farms, an extensive ancillary industry has emerged manufacturing components and electrical systems, engineering, installation and construction, O&M services and remote control technologies, to name a few.

The Basque Government (Eusko Jaurlaritza) is the point where all the roads of Basque life and society meet. During the current legislative term, the Government consists of eleven departments: Employment and Social Policies, Education, Culture and Linguistic Policy, Public Governance and Self-Government, Environment, Territorial Planning and Housing, Health, Home Office, Economic Development and Infrastructure, Treasury and Economy, Tourism, Trade and Consumer and, Labour and Justice.

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