Programme committeePresenters dashboardSpeakersPostersSee the list of poster presenters at Tech 2023 – and check out their work!
For more details on each poster, click on the poster titles to read the abstract.

PO001: Implement operational efficiency and increase visibility by moving your plant SCADA to the cloud
Fabio Bottoni, Solutions Architect, Amazon Web Services (AWS)

PO003: Tracking and analyzing unexploited data : example of improvement with the InSite tool
Alexandre MARCHAIS, Head of Wind Operation manager, BayWa r.e.

PO004: Yaw Misalignment correction through nabla spinner sensor (iSpin)
Ahmed Moussa Carames, Head of Business Development, Nabla Wind Hub

PO005: Wind farm parameters estimation with Kalman filtering
David Collet, Research engineer, IFP Energies Nouvelles

PO006: WindESCo Swarm at Milford. A Case Study on Model-in-the-Loop Wind Farm Control
James Duncan, Senior Applications Engineer, WindESCo

PO007: Co-Simulation of Wind Farm Operation with Model Extensions based on Modular Interface Concept
Marcus Wiens, Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute of Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO008: Machine learning to better quantify WTG and plant optimisation
Thomas Grey, Principal Specialist and Offshore Lead, Analysis Services, K2 Management

PO010: Operational Asset Analysis: Impacts of Wind Resource Models on Directional Curtailment Losses
Thales Delmiro, Wind Energy Project Developer, Casa dos Ventos

PO011: Innovative technology enabling the development of wind farms in bird sensitive areas.
Magdalena Wybraniec, Ecology Advisor, Team Leader, Bioseco

PO013: Preventive repairs of rotor blade leading edges by using robotic technology to increase the efficient use of wind resources
Renate Guslena, Vice President of Engineering & Product, Aerones Engineering

PO014: Use of Kernel Density Estimators to Detect Anomalous Wind Turbine Operation
Philip Bradstock, Head of Analytics, Bitbloom Ltd

PO015: Predictive Maintenance of wind turbine rotor blades based on real time monitoring using acoustic emission technology
Valery Godinez-Azcuaga, Vice President Engineering & Product Development, MISTRAS Group

PO016: Combining maintenance strategies through data analysis
Alexandre Brasme, Optimization and Analysis Coordinator, RES

PO019: ROX of our LPS inspections in France and analysis of LPS state correlated to its geolocation and its age
Julie Delmas, Product Manager, SupAirVision

PO020: Towards optimizing fault detection strategies for renewable energy technologies: A Turbine Study
Usama Aziz, Consultant Engineer - Renewable Energy, Capgemini Engineering

PO021: Analysis of the impact of different data sources on Remaining Useful Lifetime estimations: Specific case study on a wind farm in simple terrain
Raphaëlle Baubeau, Blade and Load Engineer, EDF Renouvelables

PO024: REQUIM - Improving erosion testing of rotor blades
Hristo Shkalov, Senior Blade Specialist, Wind Power LAB

PO027: Machine Learning Assisted Prediction Modelling of Turbulence models for bladeless wind turbine implementation.
Abdulfatai Faro, Graduate Researcher, Lancaster University

PO028: Machine Learning-Based Prediction of Mass Imbalance in Wind Turbines: A Key Step Towards Optimizing Operation and Maintenance
Guhan velupillai Gowthaman Malarvizhi, Software Development Engineer - Machine Learning, FormFactor Inc

PO031: Large-Scale Wind Energy Data Processing with MDIO and Other Open-Source Tools
Elliott Shilling, Commerical Manager, TGS

PO034: Improving Wind Power Forecasting using WRF Simulations and Pywake Model
Irma Riadigos, Meteorologist, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO035: Short Term Wind Power Forecast: Downscaling Machine Learning Models Comparison
Breno Carvalho, O&M Performance Engineer, Casa dos Ventos Energias Renováveis

PO036: Deep-Learning based ultra-short-term forecasting of weather windows for floating wind O&M
Robin Marcille, PhD student, France Energies Marines

PO037: Envisioning the Future Role of Offshore Wind in Finland's Energy Mix
Jamie Jenkins, Doctoral researcher, University of Helsinki

PO039: Condition Monitoring System with Autoencoder on Google BigQuery
Henrique Diogenes, Data Scientist, Casa dos Ventos

PO042: Run-of-river hydropower to improve the market value of wind: A case study in France
Luca Santosuosso, PhD student, MINES Paris - PSL University

PO043: SunDAY - Simulation uncertainty of the detailed assessment of wind turbine energy yields
Lasse Blanke, Managing Director, anemos GmbH
PO044: Wind resource assessment in complex terrain and under extreme wind conditions – case study
Loma Al-Azzawi, Project Engineer, Enercon

PO045: Impact of the clearance between low blade tip and the ground on the Power Curve.
Tristan Fleury, Senior Operational Assessment Engineer, EDF Renouvelables

PO046: Effect of Wind Data Gap Filling on Long-Term Extrapolations
Martin Jonietz Alvarez, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute of Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO048: Digitize Visual Inspection Workflow through Cloud-Based Solutions
Hafees Fraisada, Strategic Marketing Manager, Evident Europe GmbH

PO052: Comparative analysis of extrapolation methods for time series gap filling of wind speed data
Nikolaos Simisiroglou, Senior Wind Technical Specialist, RWE

PO053: Wind flow modeling in a forested area: Performance comparison of linear and non-linear flow models.
Marianne Dupont, Senior Wind Assessment Engineer, EDF Renouvelables

PO054: Aerodynamic effects of PV plants on Wind Farms (CFD Study)
Giorgio Crasto, Enel Green Power - Wind Centre of Excellence - Wind Design - Engineering and Construction, Enel Green Power

PO055: Estimating capacity factors from proposed onshore German deployments by 2050 that include the effects of regional wind resource depletion
Jonathan Minz, PhD Student, Max Planck Institute of Biogeochemistry

PO056: Floating LiDAR error at high heights and wind speeds: A detection and correction strategy
Sandra Coll-Vinent, Data Scientist, EOLOS Floating Lidar Solutions

PO057: Blades2Build: Recycle, repurpose and reuse end-of-life windmill blade composites
Duc Tung Dao, Research Scientist, Holcim

PO058: Long term sources benchmark for the Italian market
Livia Finotelli Canetto, Junior Wind Engineer, DNV
PO059: Improved method for adjusting P90 energy production hourly series
Irene Wbanet, Wind Resource Engineer, Windtec Energía

PO060: Multi-dimensional-data-based correction algorithm for Turbulence Intensity measured by Floating Lidars
Giacomo Rapisardi, Data Scientist, EOLOS Floating LiDAR solutions

PO061: Simulation uncertainties for the accurate assessment of wind energy yield
Linda Schrempf, Senior wind modeling expert, GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH

PO064: Optimizing a hybrid power plant in Castilla-La Mancha (Spain)
Alberto Quintana, Wind Resource Engineer, Windtec Energía
PO065: Random Walk: Estimating Long-Term Reference Consistency Uncertainty Using Multiple Reference Datasets
Ari Bronstein, Senior Wind Energy Analyst, Ørsted

PO068: Turbulent fluxes and atmospheric stability measured at a 200 m tall mast
Linda Schrempf, Senior wind modeling expert, GEO-NET Umweltconsulting GmbH

PO069: Determining Real Measurement Uncertainty of Floating LiDAR derived from Multiple Campaigns in the North Sea
Wonjung Chung, Wind and Layout Engineer, Copenhagen Offshore Partners

PO073: LiDAR-Only Turbine Suitability - The Risk of Flat Sites: A Bandpass Adjusted Turbulence Method Advancement
Finn-Hendrik Andersen, Regional Function Lead, Siting Solutions, Vestas

PO075: Analysis of spatial distribution characteristic of lidar measurement errors in complex terrain to optimize lidar placement
Zixiao Jiang, Technical director, Meteodyn China

PO076: Lidar measurements supporting Operational Wind Assets
Rebeca Rivera Lamata, Senior Consultant, PEAK Wind

PO079: An Innovative Business Model for Floating LiDAR Measurement Campaigns
Elliott Shilling, Commerical Manager, TGS

PO080: Assessment of wind vertical characteristics by Nacelle-Mounted Lidar
Zhi Liang, Application Manager, Vaisala

PO081: An army or fleet of wind turbines will generate double electrical output
Thomas Kullander, Technical Manager, Hvinge AB
PO082: A Multi-Physics and Multi-Fidelity Modeling Approach to Simulate Wind Farm
Priyank Maheshwari, CFD Researcher, TotalEnergies

PO084: Wake Models Assessment for Multi-Row Wind Farms in Northeastern Brazil: A Comparative Study with Operational Data
Marcella Lazar, Project Engineer, Casa dos Ventos

PO087: Validation of an Updated 3-D RANS Wake Model
Wolfgang Schlez, Founder, Director, ProPlanEn

PO088: Wind Farms in Curved Flow and Curved Flow in Wind Farms
Wolfgang Schlez, Founder, Director, ProPlanEn

PO089: Modelling Farm-to-Farm Wake Losses in Offshore Wind, With Sensitivity to Atmospheric Stability
Brian Gribben, Research & Innovation Manager, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

PO093: Dynamical coupling of meso- and microscale models with nudging
Juho Iipponen, Meteorologist, WindSim

PO094: The next step in numerical wind flow modelling of entire sites: a meso-to-microscale coupled weather model running on GPUs
Remco Verzijlbergh, Co-founder and Chief Technology Officer, Whiffle

PO095: The impacts of climate change on offshore wind park projects: from changes in resource to project profitability
Claudia Olivares-Cabello, Development Engineer and GIS Expert, Youwind Renewables

PO097: Wind Energy potential of weather systems affecting South Africa's Eastern Cape Province
Greg Landwehr, Senior Engineer - Scatec, Student University of the Witwatersrand, University of the Witwatersrand

PO100: TLPs with met mast: Wind tunnel tests to assess anemometers uncertainty due to motion.
Dimitri Foussekis, Research Engineer, Centre for Renewable Energy Sources (C.R.E.S.)

PO101: IEC TS 61400-50-4: an update on the floating lidar standard
Julia Gottschall, Chief Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems IWES
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