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PO010: Operational Asset Analysis: Impacts of Wind Resource Models on Directional Curtailment Losses
Thales Delmiro, Wind Energy Project Developer, Casa dos Ventos
The success of wind energy projects depends on the favorable alignment between layout definition and turbine type selection. Thus, developer-manufacturer interactions should be conducted before wind farm operation to optimize the annual energy production subject to site suitability parameters. The wind sector management (WSM) strategy definition is a typical case of this interface to minimize the fatigue loads accumulated over a 20-35 year designed operating lifetime due to ambient and wake-induced turbulence. A comparative study between pre-constructive wind resource modeling methods and SCADA operational data was conducted to evaluate the impacts on annual energy production of two operating wind farms with closely-spaced turbines in Brazil's northeastern region. The results of direction curtailment losses for each pre-constructive modeling method allow a methodology validation based on the available SCADA data.
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