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PO079: An Innovative Business Model for Floating LiDAR Measurement Campaigns
Elliott Shilling, Commerical Manager, TGS
Early during offshore project development, the uncertainty of the metocean and wind resource conditions is often elevated due to a lack of high-quality measurements. This high uncertainty affects developer's bidding strategies and in turn, expected profits. While having measurements earlier in the development process is preferred, the costs to deploy offshore measurements are prohibitive and don't make sense from a risk reward perspective. To alleviate this issue, TGS is introducing an innovative, multi-client business model to the wind industry for offshore measurement campaigns, and specifically for the deployment of Stage 3 certified floating LiDAR buoys. The multi-client model provides two very attractive features. First, the cost of acquiring measurements is greatly reduced. And second, the floating LiDAR, metocean, and environmental measurements are available much earlier in the development process, sometimes well in advance of lease round auctions. In this presentation we'll detail the benefits of the multi-client model and discuss our deployments to support offshore development in the North Sea, as well as supporting BOEM's existing and upcoming offshore wind leases in the United States. Results from our initial deployments on the east coast of the US will be reviewed and compared to wind speeds from ERA5 and Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model simulations. Such analysis will help us understand the uncertainty of the model data sets and will also expose where the floating LiDAR measurements are providing critical, new information.
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