Presenters and Speakers
Programme committeePresenters dashboardSpeakersPostersMarcella Lazar

Project Engineer, Casa dos Ventos
Marcella Pinheiro Lazar - Born in Fortaleza/CE on August 22, 1996, graduated in Electronic Engineering (2018) and Electrical Engineering (2019) from the University of Fortaleza. She was a member of the Wireless Networks and Sensors Laboratory (LARES) and a fellow in the Scientific Initiation Scholarship Program of the Edson Queiroz Foundation (PROBIC/FEQ) and in the PRH-53 (Programa de Recursos Humanos-53) of the Agência Nacional de Petróleo (ANP), developing skills related to wireless sensor networks, biomedical sensors, and control systems. After graduation, she worked for 2 years with the detection of anomalies in wind and solar resource measurement data using machine learning at Casa dos Ventos, where she currently works with wind resource modeling and wind project engineering in the development phase.Posters
- Wake Models Assessment for Multi-Row Wind Farms in Northeastern Brazil: A Comparative Study with Operational Data
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