Presenters and Speakers
Programme committeePresenters dashboardSpeakersPostersMartin Jonietz Alvarez

Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute of Wind Energy Systems (IWES)
Martin Jonietz Alvarez is a research associate at Fraunhofer IWES in Bremerhaven, Germany, since October 2022. He recently completed his master's degree in aerospace engineering at the University of Stuttgart. During his academic career, he acquired expertise in a wide range of engineering topics, especially in the fields of structural dynamics, CFD and aerodynamics. He is highly motivated to contribute to sustainable development, so he specialized in wind energy with the participation in various student projects related to the field. This is what pushed him to write his master's thesis with the title “Effect of Data Gap Filling on Long-Term Wind Predictions” in collaboration with Fraunhofer IWES. Even though the topic was outside of his previous competence, the thesis was successful, and he was hired at IWES to begin his professional career.Posters
- Effect of Wind Data Gap Filling on Long-Term Extrapolations
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