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PO047: Analysis of Long-Term complementarity of Wind & Solar and its implications on the need for Short-Term and/or Long-Term storage capabilities.
Alexis Dutrieux, Managing Director, ATM-PRO
In the context of the climate change it is more and more required to produce energy from renewables. This includes not only wind but also photovoltaic technologies. It is quite well known that wind and solar potential looks like complementary, but this complementarity is not homogeneous around the world and depends on nominal power potentials for power plant implementation. The first aim of the present poster is to analyse the short-term & long-term variability of wind & solar energy production by themselves and also together in order to analyse the impact of their combination onto the variability of energy production. To perform the analysis, various datasets needs to be produced for Wind and Solar plants. These have been provided using re-analysis datasets driving our meso-gamma scale meteorological model MAESTRO Wind. The second aim of the present poster is to analyse how storage facilities can help reducing the remaining variability of the assets involved in the energy production. Generic plants are created in order to enable various combinations of them and find out the most efficient one with respect to the objectives of: (1) less variability & (2) less needs for storage capabilities, either at short or long term. The problem is not an easy one. Therefore, the present analysis will benefit of the INTERESTS (ongoing) research project which aims to develop an optimisation tool focussing on the design of “INTegrated Renewable Energy power STationS” linking local energy production, local storage (either in batteries or through H2 facility) and local consumption (fixed or mobile) (see: Two theoretical, near actual, samples from different part of the globe will be presented to illustrate the issues and the potential solutions. The results obtained should be answering the two main questions: (1) can we reduce the variability of renewables on the short and long term and (2) can we optimize local assets of renewables to supply local energy requirements. Both questions are linked to a subsequent question: can we reduce impact of renewables onto the grid systems? The poster intends thus to show how existing technologies can help to increase renewable integration into our energy system, focussing on local supply of local requirements, and optimized storage capabilities.
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