Presenters and Speakers
Programme committeePresenters dashboardSpeakersPostersHristo Shkalov

Senior Blade Specialist, Wind Power LAB
Mr. Shkalov has been working in the wind industry for more than 5 years. He is currently a senior blade specialist at Wind Power LAB in Copenhagen, Denmark. He studied mechanical engineering in VIA University, Denmark. Before starting in his current position, he has worked in the Danish wind farm operator Ørsted. Mr. Shkalov has been project manager or contributor in several research projects with focus on erosion of wind turbine blades. These projects include: Blade defect forecasting (BDF), which created a model for erosion prediction based on turbine model and local weather conditions. Leading edge roughness and performance (LERAP), which created a model for AEP loss estimation from surface defects on the leading edge of a turbine blade. Improving erosion testing of rotor blades' leading edges (REQUIM), which aims to improve efficiency of rain erosion tests by training algorithm to automatically detect defects on the sample.Posters
- REQUIM - Improving erosion testing of rotor blades
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