Presenters and Speakers
Programme committeePresenters dashboardSpeakersPostersJulie Delmas

Product Manager, SupAirVision
Julie Delmas joined SupAirVision in 2021 as a project manager after graduating from the University of Technology of Troyes (France) with a degree in Mechanical Engineering, specializing in Numerical Simulation. She finished top of the class and was awarded an academic prize thanks to the rigor of her work. Since 2021, she evolved in the company by going from project manager of a single project to project manager of all the projects in development. She then became product manager in order to use her knowledge on the projects for the successful industrialization of each product and the follow-up of customer satisfaction.Posters
- ROX of our LPS inspections in France and analysis of LPS state correlated to its geolocation and its age
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