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PO052: Comparative analysis of extrapolation methods for time series gap filling of wind speed data
Nikolaos Simisiroglou, Senior Wind Technical Specialist, RWE
Field wind speed measurements are always associated with time series data gaps. In this study, we will carry out a comparative analysis of four different methods for filling the gaps in lidar measurements. For this purpose, 144 measurement sites in 16 different countries are used. The measured data will be compared with modelled data from each of the methodologies. The methods used are either shear-based (using the exponential law) or MCP and are widely used in the wind industry. It has been found that the MCP based gap filling methodology is superior to the shear-based ones in most cases. Furthermore, the results of all the methods show a clear trend in terms of bias and extrapolation distance from the target when gap filling. Most methods underestimate the wind speed by tending to have a negative bias in comparison to the actual wind speed. The MCP method, for reliable reference-target distance, despite its simplicity and low computational requirements, can estimate the wind speed within acceptable bias and uncertainty.
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