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PO037: Envisioning the Future Role of Offshore Wind in Finland's Energy Mix
Jamie Jenkins, Doctoral researcher, University of Helsinki
Interest in developing offshore wind is rapidly increasing. The EU has announced ambitious plans to significantly increase the capacity of offshore wind over the next decade. In Finland, offshore wind is still a relatively underutilised source of clean energy, but interest is growing. Finland has announced a roadmap to becoming a carbon neutral nation by 2035, and offshore wind is considered an important tool in achieving this goal. There is a need to understand the role that offshore wind could play in Finland's broader energy mix and the potential conflicts that may arise during its development. We will hold two expert stakeholder workshops to co-create and develop a shared vision and understand the future role of offshore wind. By doing so, we can identify the steps, actions, investments, and policies needed to reach this desired future state. Furthermore, attempting to develop a shared vision will expose the conflicts and challenges that may arise in developing offshore wind. The aim is to develop one unified vision but if these conflicts prove too challenging to overcome, alternative visions on the role of offshore wind may emerge. The results from the two expert workshops will be compiled and a national public survey will be used to elicit public opinion of the future role of offshore wind. The public is a key stakeholder in offshore wind development. Consequently, it is important to understand the opinions of those impacted by offshore wind and compare if the viewpoints of experts and the public align. This process will be undertaken during spring 2023 and is currently in development. This research will support strategic planning for the energy sector, specifically offshore wind, and aid in developing the Finnish marine space in a sustainable manner.
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