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PO084: Wake Models Assessment for Multi-Row Wind Farms in Northeastern Brazil: A Comparative Study with Operational Data
Marcella Lazar, Project Engineer, Casa dos Ventos
Modeling the wind resource and the operational effects that modify it, such as wake and blockage, is essential for the accurate development of wind projects. A significant challenge in this modeling process is the specificity of the parameterization of the atmospheric interaction in each site. Since this parametrization mainly depends on the complexity of the terrain, the local roughness and the amount and good positioning of meteorological masts. In this context, the present study aims to compare the performance of different wake models with data from three operational wind farms in the northeastern region of Brazil that are designed with up to 4 parallel rows of wind turbines. The results are evaluated for the overall performance and for each row and wake model in the farms under study. It will be possible to see that all models tend to present significant differences for each row. Some will be more accurate in the second row, and others in the third or fourth.
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