Presenters and Speakers
Programme committeePresenters dashboardSpeakersPostersRaphaëlle Baubeau

Blade and Load Engineer, EDF Renouvelables
Raphaëlle Baubeau has graduated in 2020 from the engineering school ENSTA (IP Paris), with a M2 at the University of Paris-Saclay in Fluid Dynamics. She then entered EDF Renewables as a Blade Engineer in the Wind Engineering Dpt in 2020, after a 6-month internship. She also became a Load Engineer during 2022. Since her arrival within the group, she integrated the Wind Technology Department and has worked both as Load and Blade engineer to support projects on several operationnal as well as transversal topics, including blade technology (design, qualification, monitoring, trends, recyclability...), instrumentation and Remaining Useful Lifetime assessments.Posters
- Analysis of the impact of different data sources on Remaining Useful Lifetime estimations: Specific case study on a wind farm in simple terrain
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