SpeakersPostersPresenters’ dashboardProgramme committeeSee the list of poster presenters at the Technology Workshop 2024 – and check out their work!
For more details on each poster, click on the poster titles to read the abstract.

PO002: Turbine performance losses: how OEMs oscillate between optimism and caution
David Schillebeeckx, Product Manager Wind, 3E

PO006: Actual impact of icing on wind farm production. A case study on over 300 operating wind farms in France and Germany
Marion Jude, Wind and Solar Senior Engineer, Eoltech

PO007: Physics based turbine performance assessment using wind flow models
Samuel Davoust, Tech lead and Founder, Tipspeed

PO010: Analytical Modelling of Model Uncertainties in Traditional Post Construction Yield Assessment
Troels Juul Pedersen, R&D Engineer, EMD International

PO012: Improved ML based approach for estimating theoretical turbine production
Michael Kirschneck, Product Director Wind Analytics, Univers

PO016: Validating post-construction AEP estimates using open data
Charlie Plumley, Senior Performance Engineer, Nuveen Infrastructure

PO018: A methodology for pre-construction estimates of the energy gain from wind farm flow control including dynamic effects
Matthew Harrison, Group Research and Development, DNV

PO019: Protecting Bats at Wind Farms With Responsive Curtailment
Fran Tattersall, Business Development Consultant, Wildlife Acoustics Inc

PO021: In Pursuit of Data Accuracy: Addressing North Offset in Wind Turbines SCADA data
Julien Tissot, Head of Innovation, Performance, Skyspecs

PO022: Using machine learning for AEP calculation and Abnormality identification in noise curtailment controls.
Steve Laubie, Product Manager Wind AI, Univers

PO023: Pragmatic wind sector management scheme generation for use in loads optimisation and life extension planning
Matthew Harrison, Group Research and Development, DNV

PO026: On the potential of synergizing wind farm layout and curtailment strategy optimization
Moritz Jan Hildemann, R&D Engineer, EMD International

PO027: Wind Direction Modeling: Exploring the Best Methodologies and Assessing Impacts on Wind Sector Management Loss Estimates.
Leonardo Gonçalves Chiquita, Project Engineer, CDV Desenvolvimento

PO028: SCADA based static yaw misalignment analysis using open data
Charlie Plumley, Senior Performance Engineer, Nuveen Infrastructure

PO029: Uncertainty quantification in seasonal forecasting
Yazmina Zurita Martel, R&D Data Scientist, Nebbo

PO030: Icing forecasts for power production estimates and grid balance
Mona Kurppa, Senior Adviser, Kjeller Vindteknikk

PO031: Lidar as an alternative to wind farm permanent meteorological masts
Ciaran Dennehy, Performance Manager, Energia Renewable Operations

PO032: Seasonal Forecast of Monthly Capacity Factor for Wind Projects
Breno Carvalho, Performance Engineer, Casa dos Ventos

PO036: ReWind - Optimising costs and improving circularity at end of life using a data driven digital platform.
Matthew Geraghty, Venture Lead, ReWind by DNV, DNV

PO037: Probabilistic wind turbine gearbox failure simulation
David Bader, Sofware Development Lead, Inmox GmbH

PO039: Novel wear monitoring solution to enable prescriptive maintenance
Stefan Riesenberger, Hardware Development, Inmox GmbH

PO041: Early Detection of Wind Turbine Failure Risks using SCADA Data Analysis
Oliver Jin, Data Scientist, Inmox GmbH

PO043: Lightning data: usages and benefits for preventive maintenance on wind turbines
Stéphane Pédeboy, Vice-President of Technology, Météorage

PO044: Applying wind turbine SCADA data in the early detection of harmful status codes: a novel approach using ANN
Eric Tromeur, Director of Research, Innovation, Service and Expertise, Meteodyn

PO045: Accurate recovery of wind speed and turbulence from SCADA data
Lasse Svenningsen, Head of R&D, EMD International A/S

PO046: Predictive Routine of Vibration Analysis by Monitoring Abnormal Variables with Statistics and Deep Learning
Breno Carvalho, Performance Engineer, Casa dos Ventos

PO047: Probabilistic Multi-Layer Perceptrons for Wind Farm Condition Monitoring
Domniki Ladopoulou, PhD student, University College London

PO049: Enhancing turbulent fluctuation measurement with tailored wind lidar profilers
Maxime Thiébaut, Researcher/R&D project leader, France Energies Marines

PO050: A new validated approach for histogram-based resource assessment - a first step toward time series analysis
Jake Badger, Head of Section, Resource Assessment and Meteorology, DTU Wind Energy

PO053: Long Term Sources Benchmark - Global Wind Atlas & GASP 1.0
Mark Russell, Power Performance Junior Consultant, RINA Consulting

PO055: Fatigue Assessment of Monopile Offshore Wind Turbine Under the Wave and Wind Loading in Chabahar Bay
Ali Farokh Nejad, Master of science in structural engineering, University of Tehran

PO057: The STRAIGHT Project: Increasing quality and efficiency of resource assessment for wind farms
Doron Callies, Senior Scientist, Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO058: Advancing offshore wind resource assessment: overcoming post-subsidy challenges in China through SARWind technology
Eric Tromeur, Director of Research, Innovation, Service and Expertise, Meteodyn

PO059: Assessment of the seasonal variability of wind shear. Review and validation of long-term correction methods.
Nicolas Meerts, Technical lead Wind Resource Assessment and Technical Advisory, 3E

PO061: IEA Wind Task 43 WRA Data Model-New features and industry adoption update
Stephen Holleran, Director & Co-Founder, Brightwind

PO063: Identifying Ideal Turbine Locations Using Explainable AI Techniques
Tharsika Pakeerathan Srirajan, PhD Student, Aarhus University

PO064: Development of MIKE Metocean Simulator – Flow: To simulate water level, depth-averaged current speed and direction.
Ioannis Koumaniotis, Associate Professional, Metocean Engineer, DHI

PO066: Bat curtailment energy losses, expectations vs. reality
Timothé Dizengremel, Senior Engineer, DNV

PO067: Sensitivity of wind resource estimates to microphysics schemes in WRF
Balthazar Sengers, Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO068: Evaluating the Real Uncertainty of Wind Resource Assessment Offshore Spatial and LTC Components derived from multiple Floating LiDAR Measurement Campaigns
Sangwoo Son, Offshore Windfarm Engineer, Copenhagen Offshore Partners

PO069: Offshore Wind Build-Out in Europe to 2050 - Competition, Collaboration and Tens of Thousands of Turbines
Jon Collins, Principal Technical Consultant, ERM

PO070: Impact of different measurement strategies on WRF based wind resource in Japan
Atsushi Yoshimura, Manager, Green Power Investment

PO071: A Simulation Study of a Floating Lidar Motion Compensation Methodology Applied On Reconstructed Lidar Wind Fields
Anantha Padmanabhan Kidambi Sekar, Senior Consultant, Offshore Wind Consultants

PO072: Use of sector-wise stability and height of the Atmospheric Boundary Layer in a CFD Wind Resource Assessment study.
Laura Valldecabres, Wind Resource Specialist, Enel Green Power

PO073: CW LiDAR wind direction disambiguation using "VORTEX" modelled data: an offshore case study with EOLOS FLS200
Sandra Coll-Vinent, Data Scientist, Eolos Floating Lidar Solutions

PO074: Effects of complementarity in hybrid plants on uncertainty
Irene Wbanet Belizón, Wind Resource Analyst, Windtec Energía SLNEP

PO075: Assessing the power-law wind-profile model uncertainty via floating- and fixed-lidar observations
Marcos Paulo Araújo da Silva, Data Scientist, Eolos Floating Lidar Solutions

PO076: New and Accelerated Scoping Methods to Create More Opportunities for Offshore Wind Deployment Globally
Alexandre Pereira, Senior Development Engineer, Technical University of Denmark - DTU, Department of Wind and Energy Systems

PO077: Comparison of the lidar measurement error in complex terrain with estimates from different wind flow model simulations from a round-robin test
Dominic Clement, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO079: Integration of stability conditions to improve wind flow and wake models
Claude Abiven, Wind Expert, Engie Laborelec

PO080: Introduction to the Energy Yield Assessment Digital Exchange Format (EYA DEF)
Andrew Henderson, Chief Windfarm Engineer, Copenhagen Offshore Partners

PO083: Validation of UL Solutions' wind speed map against NEWA and GWA in Europe
José Vidal, Product Manager of Windnavigator & Data Products, UL Solutions

PO084: Vertical Extrapolation of Wind Speed using Machine Learning Technique
Zia ul Rehman Tahir, Associate Professor, University of Engineering and Technology Lahore

PO086: Characterization of Local Wind Profiles: A Random Forest Approach
Farkhondeh (Hanie) Rouholahnejad, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO087: Collocating reanalysis and measured wind data: A case study on the verification of CERRA
Farkhondeh (Hanie) Rouholahnejad, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO089: Potential of Scanning Lidar in the Planning of Offshore Wind Farms: An Economic Perspective
Janis Musche, Laboratory manager for wind measurement technology and remote sensing, Fraunhofer Institute for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (Fraunhofer IEE)

PO092: An improved model of vegetation in LES based wind resource assessments
Remco Verzijlbergh, Co-founder and CEO, Whiffle

PO093: Review of real-world LiDAR pre-deployment validations against project-specific wind masts
Isolde Byrne, Energy Analyst, Mainstream Renewable Power

PO094: Categorisation and correction of wind measurement imperfection using spectral analysis
Tristan Fleury, Senior Operational Assessment Engineer, EDF Renouvelables

PO096: Enhancing Lidar Data Availability Using Extrapolation Techniques
Seyi Latunde-Dada, Senior Algorithm Scientist, ZX Lidars

PO097: Comparing 5Hz and 1Hz floating lidar system measurements against an offshore met mast
Frédéric Delbos , Head of Wind Lidar Science and Application, Vaisala

PO098: Comparative Analysis of RSD Correction Approaches in Complex Terrains
Thales Delmiro, Wind Energy Project Developer, CDV Desenvolvimento

PO100: The challenge of detecting the liquid water content with ceilometer and Wind LiDAR
Sara Koller, Head of Wind&Ice, Meteotest

PO102: Unveiling the potential of ASCAT observations for offshore winds characterization: a validation with ship-based lidar measurements
Hugo Rubio, PhD Student, University of Oldenburg

PO104: From Proof of Concept to Proof of Bankability: LiDAR Stand-Alone's Importance Through Case Studies
Annika Baltzer, Technical Head of Department LiDAR Verification, PAVANA GmbH

PO105: Using SAR, LES & LiDAR to improve offshore wind resource assessments.
Marieke Dirksen , Wind Resource Specialist , Pondera Consult

PO106: WindCal2: an innovative way to calibrate wind sensors
Paula Gómez, Head of Section Testing and Calibration, DTU Wind and Energy Systems

PO107: Analyzing the cost benefit of a high-quality wind measurement strategy for offshore sites in the Nordics and Baltics
Marie-Anne Cowan, Senior Chief Consultant - Offshore Wind Advisory, Ramboll

PO108: Optimising High Availability Continuous Wave Lidar Campaigns
Euan Macdonald, Data Analyst, ZX Lidars

PO109: Drone-based, validated WTG performance testing
Guy Yakir, Business Development & Marketing , First Airborne

PO110: Assessment of the impact of planetary boundary layer height on wind farm performance
Graeme Watson, Principal Energy Analyst, Natural Power Consultants Ltd.

PO111: Improving Wind Resource Modelling in Coastal Areas through Advanced CFD methods with Integration of Mesoscale Data
Eric Tromeur, Director of Research, Innovation, Service and Expertise, Meteodyn

PO114: Gravity Waves and Long Range Wakes Impacts for Very Large Clusters Offshore
Brian Gribben, Research & Innovation Manager, ONE KBR Technical Fellow, Frazer-Nash Consultancy

PO115: A multi-model approach for large-scale offshore wind resource assessment
Martin Dörenkämper, Group Manager, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO116: OWA GloBE: Measuring and Modelling the Global Blockage Effect to Achieve Industry Consensus
Christopher Rodaway, Lead Scientist - Advanced Numerics, RWE

PO120: Offshore wind resource assessment based on measurements affected by neighbouring wind farms
Roberto Chavez, Meteocean & Energy Assessment Lead Engineer, Ocean Winds

PO121: Impact of climate Change on wind farm energy yield: A case study on using CMIP6 data with CDF-t Downscaling method
Lan Ding, Senior Performance Ingenieer, EDF Renouvelables

PO122: Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Frequency of Low Wind Events in Europe Using Regional Climate Models
Irem Isik Cetin, Scientist, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon

PO123: Tackling the uncertainty of the reanalysis surface winds for a climate variability assessment, demystifying the Y2k-bug
Miguel Cordoba, Head of metocean and energy assessment, Ocean Winds

PO124: Predicting future wind speeds based on climate projections and MCP-methods
Johanna Borowski, Research associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)

PO126: Quantitative approach for climate model selection and application in WRA & EYA
Rémi Gandoin, Senior Specialist, C2Wind

PO128: Using general circulation models for offshore wind current and future resource assessment
Paula Gonzalez, Senior Scientist, Met Office

PO130: Are we looking at climate change in the right way in the wind resource community?
Lars Landberg, Vice President, Group Leader, Renewables, Group Research and Development, DNV
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