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PO017: The Application of Augmented Intelligence to Installation and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) Resource Planning for large Wind Farms
Prasad Gade, CTO, GreenStream
Method: It is possible to introduce a transformative approach in the offshore wind sector, leveraging Augmented Intelligence - a synergy of human expertise and advanced AI. This method addresses the complexity of Installation (I) and Operation & Maintenance (O&M) planning in offshore wind farms. Traditional methods rely on human analysts supported by deterministic tools, resulting in under-optimized plans prone to error. This Augmented Intelligence approach, computes 3.5 million possible combinations of technicians and vessels, a task beyond human capabilities. It incorporates dynamic factors like weather, asset availability, and budget constraints, ensuring continuous optimisation from initial planning through construction, O&M, and decommissioning. Innovative Contributions: The innovation lies in the unique use of Augmented Intelligence in offshore wind farm planning. Unlike existing tools, this offers: 1. Goal-Setting Optimisation: Allowing operators to set specific objectives like cost reduction, timeline adherence, or ROI maximisation. 2. Industry-Led Development: Collaborations with industry leaders ensure real-world challenges are addressed. 3. Comprehensive Planning Tool: From project inception to decommissioning, it is possible to provide an all-encompassing solution. Results: In trials, it was possible to demonstrate significant potential in optimising wind farm project efficiency. Key results include: * Minimising development and installation costs by at least 5%, translating to savings of €152 million on a typical 1,000MW project. * Annual O&M cost reduction by 5%, amounting to €4.85 million per annum over 30 years. * Enhanced decision-making capabilities for operators, leading to more informed operational and financial choices. * Here are the experimental results from the installation of a wind farm consisting of 20 turbines. Operation Mode Project Duration (Days) Fuel Expenditure (€ millions) Equipment Rental Costs (€ millions) Personnel Salaries Overall Project Cost (€ millions) (€ millions) No AI 844 5.04 783.36 3.76 792.16 Cost Effective AI 653 5.05 621.92 1.16 628.13 Time Saving AI 327 5.05 825.57 8.5 839.12 Conclusions: Augemented intelligence is poised to revolutionize the offshore wind industry by significantly reducing financial risks and optimising resource allocation. Its innovative approach sets a new standard in the sector, with potential applications extending to other industries managing high-value assets. Its unique value proposition is not only as a solution to current industry challenges but also as a driver of future industry efficiency and sustainability.
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