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PO091: Increasing the accuracy of wind energy prediction in complex terrain
Prajakta Ranade, Student, NA
Abstract: In the preliminary stages of wind farm development, an important step is the wind energy yield assessment in the prospective site. Consequently, an evaluation which includes analysis of the wind speed data, extrapolation to the long-term, modelling of the terrain and calibration of the wind flow models is done. The software implemented for this purpose is not uniform across simple and complex terrains, and they also rely on the data obtained from Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) models as a reference. With the exponential growth in wind farm development projects, it has become quite necessary to explore areas which can facilitate as suitable sites. It may not always be possible to acquire comparatively simple terrain sites for this purpose, as such sites have already been commissioned for similar projects. There is thus a subsequent need of evaluating the wind potential of more complex terrains. Particularly in sites comprising complex terrains, using a linearized software to model the wind flow does not provide accurate results. Additionally, measurement devices like Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) may also produce errors depending upon the complexity of the flow, which need to be rectified. Therefore, the main question is, "how can the wind resource assessment in complex terrain sites be made as precise as possible, considering the CFD models implemented by the software?". To this end, several homologous softwares will be implemented to model the same wind flows, to determine which one provides the best accuracy. Their results will be compared by the virtue of their input parameters, having already ensured the correction of LiDAR error and adoption of an appropriate CFD model.
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