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PO101: Leveraging Measurement Strategy Planning and Financial Modeling to Maximize Wind Farm Project Value Early On
Martin Richter-Rose, Senior Wind&Site, PAVANA GmbH
Bankable wind resource and energy yield assessments constitute the cornerstone of wind farm project valuation. In practice, measurement strategies, which may incorporate operational wind turbine production data, are often devised with a primary focus on ensuring compliance with industry standards while minimizing costs. However, the potential value that measurement strategies can bring to a planned wind farm project is frequently overlooked. It is essential to recognize that financing terms are intimately tied to the level of uncertainty associated with wind resource and energy yield predictions. As wind farm projects scale up, their book value increases, magnifying the impact of uncertainties in these domains on both project value and financing terms. It is pertinent to emphasize that while suitable and optimal measurement strategies including met mast and remote sensing devices as well as potential production data from operating wind turbines may entail higher initial investment costs, they invariably yield substantial returns on investment. These strategies not only enhance the bankability of wind resource assessments but also contribute to improved financing conditions. In essence, prudent investment in measurement strategies tailored to the specific characteristics of the wind resource not only safeguards project value but ensures a more attractive return on investment. We assess measurement strategies across a spectrum of more than 20 wind farm projects, ranging from 10 MW to 400 MW in capacity, focusing on key drivers of uncertainty and their implications for project value and financing conditions. Our analysis identifies critical factors, including measurement campaign duration, number and combination of installed measurements, horizontal and vertical distances to planned turbine locations, sensor precision, and variables for curtailment loss estimation. To enhance practicality, we construct a simplified financial model based on these findings. This model is then employed in the evaluation of measurement strategies, affirming its utility in the early stages of measurement strategy planning. Incorporating a streamlined financial model that aligns with the current stage of a wind farm project in development, and integrating it into the measurement strategy planning, can generate advantageous enhancements to the project's overall value. Depending on the scale of the intended wind farm, the incorporation of financial modeling during measurement campaign planning has the potential to generate up to €1 million in additional value.
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