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PO122: Assessing the Impacts of Climate Change on Frequency of Low Wind Events in Europe Using Regional Climate Models
Irem Isik Cetin, Scientist, Climate Service Center Germany (GERICS), Helmholtz-Zentrum Hereon
As one of the most significant mitigation options, wind energy is also known as vulnerable to climate change. The integration of intermittent renewable energy resources in an electricity grid requires a more accurate determination of wind resources for long-term planning. The study of climate change impacts on wind energy resources has already emerged in the existing literature which is also a unifying theme between wind energy and climate science. For this purpose, the KliWiSt project has been initiated to determine the influence of climate change on wind energy site assessment in Germany. Within the scope of the project, many aspects of climate change impacts on wind energy have already been studied to determine uncertainties about the topic and develop recommendations for action. Climate models with coarse resolution already have some drawbacks in representing wind climatology over a region. In this study, we aim to determine low wind events by using regional climate models Europe. The continent has already committed to large scale expansion of wind energy in the future. Analyses are performed by using the weighted average multi-model ensemble technique from different RCMs within the EURO-CORDEX ensemble at three different climate change scenarios. ERA5 and CERRA reanalysis data have been used to identify historical wind climatology. EURO-CORDEX surface winds are extrapolated to 100 m above the ground level for the analysis. Wind resource variability and frequency of stilling events over Europe have been examined for the entire 21st century. Scenario differences are also investigated by aiming to improve current knowledge about wind resource estimation in the existing literature. The results of the study contribute to near-, mid- and long-term future wind resource variability in Europe by using the weighted average multi-model ensemble of EURO-CORDEX models and also highlight nuanced differences in model performances under various climate change scenarios focusing on low wind events in Europe.** **This study is part of the project 'The influence of climate change on wind energy site assessments (KliWiSt) which is funded by the German Federal Ministry for Economic Affairs and Climate Action (BMWK- GN: 03EE3041B)
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