Presenters and Speakers
SpeakersPostersPresenters’ dashboardProgramme committeeBalthazar Sengers

Research Associate, Fraunhofer Institute for Wind Energy Systems (IWES)
Research Associate at Fraunhofer IWES in the department of Aerodynamics & Numerical Wind Energy Meteorology with a research focus on wake modeling on a range of scales and fidelities. Master of meteorology at Wageningen University and Research and a PhD at the University of Oldenburg in Energy Meteorology, with a research focus on wind farm control. Gained experience with CFD (LES) modeling, (data-driven) engineering models and lidar measurements. Since 2023 working at Fraunhofer IWES in the Aerodynamics & Numerical Wind Energy Meteorology department, with a research focus on wake modeling on a range of scales and fidelities. This includes mescoscale (WRF), microscale (PALM LES) and engineering models (FOXES).Presentations
- Sensitivity of wind resource estimates to microphysics schemes in WRF
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