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Session relevant to: Onshore Onshore wind energy Offshore Offshore wind energy

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Monday, 26 September 2016

18:30  21:00
Members’ Reception, Panoramadeck, Emporio Building, Dammtorwall 15, 20355 Hamburg

Tuesday, 27 September 2016

Congress Centre Hamburg CCH
09:00  10:30
Opening session

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall 1
10:30  11:30
Coffee break (sponsored by ABB) & poster viewing/ press conference (Hall D)
11:30  13:00
Business meets Policy: what future for wind in Europe?

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall 1
Technologies for transition

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G1
13:00  14:30
Lunch & poster viewing
14:30  16:00
Business meets Policy: wind outside Europe - how far can it go?

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall 1
Power conversion

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G1
LIDARs - the zapping competition

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G2
The supply chain - thinking ahead!

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall F
End-of-life issues and repowering

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall E
Wind energy in a digitised world

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall D
16:00  17:00
Coffee break (sponsored by ABB) & poster viewing
17:00  18:30
Business meets Policy: disruption on its way?

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall 1
Innovative rotor design

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G1
Annual energy production: improved estimates through advanced modelling

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G2
Making wind fit for the power system of the future

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall F
Making the most of EU R&I funding

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall E
Opening Night WindEnergy Hamburg 2016 - venue: Fish Auction Hall, Große Elbstraße 9, 22767 Hamburg

Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Congress Centre Hamburg CCH
09:00  10:30
Wind and the electrification of transport and heating

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G1
Cold climate issues in resource assessment

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G2
Corporate PPAs: the new business model?

Room: Hall F
Wind industry safety culture - from back office to front end operations

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall E
Making T&D networks fit for wind integration

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall D
From academic research to industrial applications - linking people, projects and ideas

Onshore Offshore
Room: C 2.2
10:30  11:30
Coffee break (sponsored by ABB) & poster viewing
11:30  13:00
Doing business in … North Africa

Room: Hall G1
Turbines operating in low temperatures

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G2
All in this together: how wind needs regional cooperation

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall F
Innovation in safety

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall E
Offshore wind power: a mature asset class

Room: Hall D
Offshore wind farm lifecycle and supply chain: assessing local impacts

Room: C 2.2
13:00  14:30
Lunch & poster viewing
14:30  16:00
Storage solutions

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G1
Advanced control strategies for wind plants

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G2
Droning On! The use of UAVs in wind turbine O&M

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall F
Meso-scale modelling and the model chain

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall E
Risk mitigation and the role of the insurance sector

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall D
What wind can bring to balancing markets

Onshore Offshore
Room: C 2.2
16:00  17:00
Networking break & poster viewing
17:00  18:00
Exhibition visiting time (Hamburg Messe Center)
18:00  20:00
WindEurope stand party, Location: WindEurope stand, East entrance, Hamburg Messe Center

Thursday, 29 September 2016

Congress Centre Hamburg CCH
09:00  10:30
Challenges of forest modelling

Room: Hall G1
Loads and fatigue

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G2
LCOE part 1: The Netherlands - a giant leap for offshore wind

Room: Hall F
Doing Business in ... Iran and Ethiopia

Room: Hall E
Making electricity markets fit for wind

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall D
Noise and visual impacts and you as the local resident

Room: C 2.2
10:30  11:30
Coffee break (sponsored by ABB) & poster awards ceremony

Onshore Offshore
11:30  13:00
Component reliability and diagnostics: early detection and intervention is key!

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G1
Computational aerodynamics

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G2
LCOE part 2: how low will it go and when?

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall F
Doing Business in ... Argentina, Chile, Uruguay

Room: Hall E
Environmental case studies: global gain, no local pain!

Onshore Offshore
Room: C 2.2
13:00  14:30
Lunch & poster viewing
14:30  16:00
Optimising O&M to reduce LCOE

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall G1
Floating wind: towards commercial deployment

Room: Hall G2
Investor protection

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall F
Wake modelling and forecasting

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall E
Brexit: what implications for the wind industry?

Onshore Offshore
Room: Hall D
Yes in my back yard! Maximising social acceptance

Room: C 2.2
16:15  17:15
Closing session
Room: Hall G1
17:15  18:30
WISE Power reception / networking break
Gala Dinner with Fatih Birol, Executive Director, International Energy Agency (IEA) - purchase your ticket here. Venue: Mehr!Theater, Banksstraße 28, 20097 Hamburg

Friday, 30 September 2016

Hamburg Messe Centre HMC
09:00  18:00
Exhibition visiting time (Hamburg Messe Center)