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Thursday, 29 September 2016
09:00 - 10:30 Challenges of forest modelling
Resource assessment  

Room: Hall G1

In this session we will get deep into the forest! We will look at how computational fluid dynamics (CFD) can be used in modelling the flow in forested areas, how to model profiles and also the turbulence. Different models will be applied and there will be lots of data from real forested sites around the world. The effects of using different input data will be investigated, and the use of lidar LIDAR scans to estimate roughness and other forest related parameters will be discussed. We will also hear about a series of experiments aiming amongst others to improve our understanding of flow in forested areas.

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Learning objectives

  • Understand how to use CFD in forested areas;
  • Understand how to model turbulence and profiles;
  • Evaluate the different inputs for forest modelling;
  • Understand what needs to be measured in forest-related experiments.
This session will be chaired by:
Lars Landberg, Director of Strategic Research and Innovation, DNV GL Energy, Denmark

Jakob Mann
Project Coordinator, New European Wind Atlas, Denmark
New European Wind Atlas: an overview of ongoing experiments  

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Abstract ID: 8 science & research
Stephane Sanquer
Research Manager, Meteodyn, France
Modelling wind flow in forested area: a parametric study

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Abstract ID: 108
Gibson Kersting
Senior Wind Analyst , E.ON Climate & Renewables, United States
Validation of CFD based forest modelling for large forested areas with many measurement masts

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Abstract ID: 169
Claude Abiven
Senior CFD Engineer, The Natural Power Consultants Ltd, United Kingdom
Wind flow modelling uncertainties in forested terrain

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Abstract ID: 388
Ebba Dellwik
Senior Scientist, DTU Wind Energy, Denmark
Aerial LIDAR scans for validation of CFD models in complex forested terrain

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