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Wednesday, 28 September 2016
11:30 - 13:00 Offshore wind farm lifecycle and supply chain: assessing local impacts

Supply chain  

Room: C 2.2

This session will present an analysis of the possible positive and adverse environmental and socio-economic impacts that the application of “lean” principles in the offshore wind farm lifecycle and supply chain can have on local environments and communities. It will also set out the case study “Port of Oostende” to highlight the role ports play in a local community and show the challenges and benefits of ports being part of the offshore wind supply chain. Finally, the session will assess the possible costs savings from the holistic economic model and the industry uptake of the innovation it generates. Delegates' feedback will be sought in the course of the session and considered for integration in the further developments of the work.

See for additional information on LEANWIND activities.

The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union
Seventh Framework Programme (Ocean of Tomorrow call) under the agreement SCP2-GA-2013-614020

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Learning objectives

  • Delegates will learn how “lean” principles, first developed by the automotive manufacturer Toyota, can be applied to the offshore wind farm lifecycle and supply chain;
  • Delegates will learn how the novel approach could affect the local environment and community from an environmental, a societal and an economical perspective;
  • Delegates will learn which cost savings can derive from applying these principles.


This session will be chaired by:
Jimmy Murphy, Coastal Engineering Manager, University College of Cork, Ireland

Jimmy Murphy
Coastal Engineering Manager, University College of Cork, Ireland
Introduction - an innovative approach to offshore wind farm lifecycle and supply chain  

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Mihaela Dragan
Environment and Planning Analyst, WindEurope, Belgium
Potential environmental and socio-economic impacts of lean principles applied to the offshore wind supply chain  

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Jan-Erik Hanssen
Energy, Environment and Cleantech Expert, 1-Tech, Belgium
Local impacts of a leaner supply chain: the case of Port of Oostende  

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María del Mar Pintor
Acciona Infrastructure, Spain
Examples of applied life-cycle assessment - part 1  

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Camilla Thomson
Research Associate, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Examples of applied life-cycle assessment - part 2  

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Katie Lynch
Offshore Renewable Energy Research Engineer, University College of Cork, Ireland
An economic model to achieve cost reductions  

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