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Wednesday, 28 September 2016
14:30 - 16:00 What wind can bring to balancing markets
Integrating wind power into the electricity market  
Onshore      Offshore    

Room: C 2.2

This session will look at which new opportunities a revamped balancing market can offer.  New market players, system operators and policy-makers will discuss the conditions needed to improve the functioning of the existing balancing market. Industry players will share first-hand experience on participating in this market, which establishes one of the building blocks of the energy transition.

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Learning objectives

The following topics will be addressed:  

  • How can wind  power operators and demand side management players make money out of balancing market?
  • How can new market players replace conventional generation by bringing more wind power into the balancing market?
  • Which  are the regulatory and market entry barriers for wind participation?
  • What is the future impact/role of the balancing guidelines (Electricity Balancing Network Code)?


Additional speakers to be added soon.

This session will be chaired by:
Jochen Kreusel, Group Senior Vice President and Head of the Smart Grids Sector Initiative, ABB, Germany

Susanne Nies
Corporate Affairs Manager, ENTSO-E

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Vandad Hamidi
Revenue and Grid Compliance Manager, DONG Energy, United Kingdom

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Peter Schell
Vice-President Regulatory Affairs, REstore, Belgium

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Pierre Loaec
Policy Officer, Renewables and CCS Policy, DG ENER — Directorate-General for Energy, European Commission

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