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Thursday, 29 September 2016
14:30 - 16:00 Optimising O&M to reduce LCOE
O&M & logistics  
Onshore      Offshore    

Room: Hall G1

This session will consider a number of approaches to reduce the cost of wind energy and to maximise the performance of the turbines. It will consider the latest innovations in pitch design and offshore support vessels, robust methodologies to maximise wind farm lifetimes and how the intelligent use of turbine measurements (SCADA and LIDAR) can maximise performance. Finally, we will look at the innovations required to reduce the cost of offshore wind energy.

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This session will be chaired by:
Sven Utermöhlen, Director Offshore Wind, E.ON Climate&Renewables GmbH, Germany
Christof Devriendt, Scientific Coordinator OWI-lab, OWI-lab / VUB, Belgium

Abstract ID: 113
René Cornelis Wigmans
Global Head of Maritime and Aviation Solutions, Siemens Wind Power A/S, Denmark
Siemens operations vessel: helping lower the cost of energy

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Abstract ID: 484
Padman Prasad
Moog, United States of America
Reducing LCOE through innovation in the design of the pitch control system

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Abstract ID: 410
Emilien Simonot
Renewable Energy Technology Officer, KIC InnoEnergy, Spain
Offshore wind innovation for cost reduction: what are the knobs to turn?

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Kate Freeman
Junior Associate, PhD, MPhys, BVG Associates, United Kingdom
Co-presenting: Offshore wind innovation for cost reduction: what are the knobs to turn?  

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