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Tuesday, 27 September 2016
14:30 - 16:00 LIDARs - the zapping competition
Resource assessment  
Onshore      Offshore    

Room: Hall G2

In this highly interactive quick-fire session, participants will scan through 14 LIDAR-related presentations and vote to select the three contributions they would like to hear in full. Presentations will cover a wide range of possible LIDAR applications, both offshore and onshore, such as power-curve validation, resource assessment in complex terrain, turbulence intensity measurements, and more.

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Learning objectives

Get a wide overview of the latest research and field work involving LIDARs, both onshore and offshore.


This session will be chaired by:
Mike Courtney, DTU Wind, Denmark
Lars Landberg, Director of Strategic Research and Innovation, DNV GL Energy, Denmark
Stefan Ivanell, Associate Professor, Uppsala University, Sweden

Mike Courtney
DTU Wind, Denmark

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Abstract ID: 50
Julia Gottschall
Senior Scientist, Fraunhofer IWES, Germany
Floating LIDAR systems: current technology status and requirements for improved maturity

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Abstract ID: 71
Wiebke Langreder
COO, Wind Solutions, Denmark
Roaming remote sensing: quantification of seasonal bias

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Abstract ID: 84
Alex Clerc
SMART Systems & Innovation Analysis Manager, RES Ltd, United Kingdom
Scanning LIDAR in Offshore Wind

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Abstract ID: 101 science & research
Stephane Sanquer
Research Manager, Meteodyn, France
Post conversion of LIDAR data on complex terrains

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Abstract ID: 124
Michael Stephenson
Offshore Wind Associate, Carbon Trust, United Kingdom
Power curve validation using LIDAR

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Abstract ID: 267
Mohsen Zendehbad
PhD Assistant, ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Wind farm scale measurements using a mobile scanning LIDAR

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Abstract ID: 295
Edward Burin des Roziers
Team Leader Wind Measurement, DEWI, France
A case study of performing a wind resource assessment based on LIDAR measurements

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Abstract ID: 320
Matthieu Boquet
Manager Wind Energy Science & Application, LEOSPHERE, France
Turbulence intensity measurement techniques for pulsed LIDARs – the current status

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Abstract ID: 436 science & research
Michael Schmidt
Researcher, University of Oldenburg, Germany
Orientation correction of wind direction measurements by means of staring LIDAR

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Abstract ID: 491
Harald Mueller
Head of Working Group Fluid Flow Measuring Techniques, Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt, Germany
A novel LIDAR system – first results of highly resolved wind vector measurements

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