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Tuesday, 27 September 2016
14:30 - 16:00 End-of-life issues and repowering
Market Developments  
Onshore      Offshore    

Room: Hall E

Repowering is an important option in many markets, but operators need to investigate the economic case project by project, as conditions may vary considerably. Repowering has potential implications for short and medium EU renewable energy targets as it allows the further development of sites with good wind resources with more efficient turbines. As wind energy assets get older and are decommissioned, overall wind power production will decrease, affecting the share of electricity that the EU has committed to source from renewables by 2020 and 2030.

WindEurope is working on end-of-life issues and repowering, assessing the current situation, conducting surveys on national regulations and examining the economic case of the different options. This session will investigate repowering and life extension experiences across different EU countries, the business case for extending and repowering projects and the implications for EU energy policy.

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Learning objectives

Delegates will learn the answers to the following key questions:

  • What conditions would help the business case for repowering and lifetime extension in Europe?
  • What lessons to draw from experience?
  • What are the implications for EU energy policy to 2030 and beyond?


Additional speakers to be confirmed soon.

This session will be chaired by:
Christian Jourdain, Head of Marketing & Communication, Gamesa, Spain

Marcello Pasquali
Head of Business Development North Europe, Enel Green Power, Italy
The repowering challenge in Italy  

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Rasmus Lundsgaard Nielsen
SVP Corporate Strategy, M&A and Global Intelligence, Vestas, Denmark
The Repowering Opportunity  

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Mark Muller
Sales Manager, ENERCON, Germany
The repowering challenge in Germany  

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Melchior Karigl
Finance Director - Structure Finance, European Investment Bank, Luxembourg
EIB Finance of Repowering/Life cycle extension projects  

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Lisa Ziegler
PhD researcher, Ramboll, Germany
Repowering and life extension: when does it make sense to switch?  

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Abstract ID: 356
Christian Jourdain
Head of Marketing & Communication, Gamesa, Spain
Life extension: from theory to reality for a Spanish wind farm

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