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Thursday, 29 September 2016
09:00 - 10:30 LCOE part 1: The Netherlands - a giant leap for offshore wind

Room: Hall F

DONG Energy’s auction price for the Borssele Wind Farm Sites I and II turned out to be a game changer. In this interactive session you can learn how the Dutch government helped drive down the costs of offshore wind as the co-developer of offshore wind projects. Is this the way forward to an era of booming offshore wind without subsidies? DONG Energy explains how as co-developer a government can successfully take part in a winning business strategy. The transmission systems operator TenneT presents the advantages of constructing five standardised platforms. After these presentations we will invite the audience to take part in a lively debate with the speakers.

Keynote speaker René Moor gives a glimpse of his presentation: "The Borssele 1 and 2 auction price was a giant leap in the development of the industry. Offshore wind turned out to be cheaper than we thought. Now it can have a bigger role in the transition towards sustainable energy supply. This should be the first step towards an era where offshore wind is competitive without subsidies and become one of the major climate neutral sources of electricity."

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Learning objectives

  • Learn how to drive down the levellised cost of electricity (LCOE) of offshore wind energy;
  • Understand how a part of offshore wind energy development can be in safe(r) hands with the government;
  • Participate in a debate how to optimise the business strategy;
  • Gain an impression of the likely impacts on renewables strategy of lowering the LCOE of offshore wind energy.
Iván Pineda, Director Public Affairs, WindEurope
Hans Timmers, Chairman, NWEA - The Netherlands Wind Energy Association, The Netherlands

René Moor
Programme Manager Offshore Wind Energy, Ministry of Economic Affairs, The Netherlands
Driving down the cost of offshore wind energy: the government as co-developer of wind farms  

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Rob van der Hage
Manager TenneT Offshore, TenneT Holding B.V., The Netherlands
The offshore grid developer's role in cost reduction  

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Jasper Vis
Country Manager, DONG Energy, The Netherlands
Delivering on the promise of cost reduction  

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