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Wednesday, 28 September 2016
09:00 - 10:30 From academic research to industrial applications - linking people, projects and ideas

Research & Innovation  
Onshore      Offshore    

Room: C 2.2

Through several research projects, the European Energy Research Alliance Joint Programme Wind (EERA JP Wind) generates innovative products that add value to the wind power industry, such as cost optimizers, modelling software and control algorithms.   

These products are presented to the industry through an innovative Technology Transfer Platform that aims at matching industry demand with the most recent technological developments offered by the European research organisations. The Integrated Research Programme on Wind (IRP Wind) is the EERA JPWind project that is currently developing this knowledge-sharing tool.

The audience will be introduced to the Technology Transfer Platform and to some of the most recent research developments in the wind energy sector, in order to gather views from industry representatives and discuss several topics of common concern to further align the wind power industry and the research community. 

Following the introductory speeches, an interactive (match-making) session will take place: EERA technology transfer experts from various European research institutes and companies will be at the disposal of the industry representatives to show some of the offers that are already available on the Platform and demonstrate how the industry could benefit from EERA JPWind research results.  

The interactive session will be organized around the following topics:

1. Grids systems, integration and infrastructure

Forecasting tools for wind power plant operation – IWES Fraunhofer

2. Operation and maintenance

Planning software – IWES Fraunhofer

3. Offshore balance of plant

Floating offshore wind farms - Tecnalia

4. Next generation technologies

Blade improvements - ECN

Next generation tests and measurements - ECN

External conditions - DTU

The Integrated Research Programme on Wind (IRP Wind) organises this session within the framework of EERA JP Wind.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Seventh Framework Programme
for research, technological development and demonstration under grant agreement No. 609795.

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Learning objectives

  • How can knowledge and technology development be transferred from the research community to the industry and vice versa? 
  • How to best align EERA JPWind with the industry in the identification and solution of current common problems that concern the wind energy sector?

These are only a few questions that this event will try to answer. 

This session will be chaired by:
Martijn van Roermund, Advisor - Wind Farms, ECN, The Netherlands

Martijn van Roermund
Advisor - Wind Farms, ECN, The Netherlands
The Integrated Research Programme Wind (IRPWind) and the European Energy Research Alliance (EERA) – an introduction  

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Aidan Cronin
Chairman of the Steering Committee, ETIP Wind / Advisory Specialist to the CTO, Siemens Wind Power A/S, Denmark
Industry and academia supporting the European R&I priorities  

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Sjoerd Wittkampf
Technology Transfer Manager, ECN, The Netherlands (to be confirmed)
Industry meets research - introduction to the matchmaking exercise  

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