Innovation park
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We all know that on- & offshore wind needs fresh voices and new ideas to fulfil its potential. We asked our start-ups to prepare a pitch about their innovative ideas.
Look around, get inspired by the videos, find the best start-ups you like and vote for them! You can vote for more than one start-up.
Every vote counts! And there will be a prize ceremony on Thursday 25 November awarding the best start-ups.
Participants – Start-ups
Aerones is a tech company that develops robotic systems for intelligent wind turbine blade maintenance, inspection and repairs, and services wind turbines worldwide. The technology allows faster, cheaper services that minimize downtime.
FLY’RSEA is an innovative service to detect and count offshore birds while collecting a large sets of environmental and meteorological data. The commercial deployment of FLY’RSEA solution, planned for mid-2022, is a world first for the environmental characterization of the initial state of an offshore wind project.
Anker Foundations produces certified precast concrete foundations for multi-megawatt wind turbines that are economical, efficient and sustainable: no in-situ-concrete, up to 70% less concrete, inexpensive, construction-times cut by at least 28 days, transportable by standard truck, easy to install at almost any place, simple to demount (without residue) and even reusable under certain circumstances.
DECK1 connects energy logistics through software that combines trading, booking, and analytics for both offshore and onshore operations. It provides true visibility of logistics from planning to completion, giving the users of the platform many advantages such as reduced administrative work, simpler compliance checks and the possibility to enable smart sharing of assets.
Dexter offers AI-powered load & price forecasts and asset optimisation algorithms to help energy companies with renewable portfolio’s optimising their risk management & trading results in the short-term trading cycle.
Dolfines’ semi-submersible steel platform TrussFloat offers superior deck capacity and stability at competitive weight to serve as a floating wind powered platform for the conversion of electricity into other forms of energy to decarbonize off- and nearshore activities and give O&G infrastructure a second life in a post carbon future, minimizing the environmental impact and levelized cost of energy.
Embrevel – Empresa Brasileira de Energia Renovável Ltda. is a brazilian based OEM developing the next generation of Super Large Wind Turbine Generators.
Complete NDT solutions and services at the forefront in the field of Ultrasonic and Electromagnetic Testing. Our knowledge in the design and integration of autonomous and transportablerobotic cells places us at the forefront of industry 4.0, which can involve process time reductions of around 80%.
GBM Works has developed a technology that will revolutionize the way monopiles will be installed. Engineered to be superior to an impact hammer and a vibratory hammer on driveability and noise, and comparable with vibratory hammer on lateral bearing capacity.
Nvbird leverages Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning technologies to effectively protect birds from deadly collision with Wind Turbine blades. Nvbird accurately detects birds, deters them with special sounds and only stops WTG when absolutely necessary. By maximising bird protection and WTG availability, nvbird adds value to the green energy
Next generation technology will be focused on developing smart wind turbines that are able to optimize output and extending lifetime while maintaining safe operations. PhotonFirst offers integrated photonics sensing solutions that generate real-time and reliable data from 1,000s of sensors simultaneously from robust and compact systems.
Sea Impact makes offshore wind performance available to everyone! Sea Impact combines project characteristics, vessel location data and offshore wind knowledge to provide market insight not previously available. We provide KPIs on installation and operations across dimensions like projects, vessels, turbine platforms and foundation types. Sea Impact is a joint venture between Danish offshore wind consultancies Lautec & PEAK Wind.
Sensing360 provides optical sensing solutions for rotating equipment. We deliver load and torque sensing solutions for bearings, gearboxes and drives. Knowing the real operation loads enables our customers to increase reliability, availability of assets and improved efficiency of rotating equipment. Together we push the limits of sustainable rotation!
Sensorise inside! Experience the live installation of Peiner Sensor Screws with HYTORC tools and see what digital bolting does for you: predict the condition of your wind turbines, increase asset availability and lifetime extension. Dynamic load monitoring in bolted structures has never been simpler!
By combining a confined space inspection UAV and proprietary technology, Wind Power LAB has successfully developed a safer inspection and data processing concept, providing even more data and insights from confined space blade inspections. Now wind turbine owners can get blade defect insights from the inside of a blade, supported by full cover inspection videos. This is a huge advantage in supporting repair planning and best in class Asset Management through solid confined space data points and processed blade defect insights.
X1 Wind is a disruptive floating wind technology developer – that has developed an innovative floating wind platform based on its patented single-point mooring system called PivotBuoy®. Its downwind design self-aligns passively with the wind – allowing for a more efficient and scalable structure to make floating wind cost-effective.
Youwind Renewables will present their innovative IT-systems to accelerate the development of offshore wind projects. They will welcome you to the new analysis approach, where engineering, finance and technology merge to push data-driven decision making faster and easier like never before.
ZEVIT presents Asset Integrity Hub, an ecosystem made to bridge the gap between departments within asset data management and operations.
- Host the digital model of the asset in standardized structure
- Collect data from various resources; field service, assets, sensors
- Analyze data with open APIs and exchange it easily across departments, organizations
- Stay aligned to industry standards and learn from others

Showcase your European Project!
The Innovation Park is our pavilion designed to promote your research and findings.
The Innovation Park is now sold out. Please contact [email protected] if you have any questions.
Participants – EU Projects
ATLANTIS promotes the use of robotics in offshore wind farms to reduce LCoE by eliminating or marginalising the use of supporting vessels for O&M operations. A pioneer pilot infrastructure for demonstrating key enabling robotic technologies for O&M of offshore wind farms is established on the coast of Portugal.
The COREWIND project provides disruptive and cost-effective solutions for floating offshore wind technology, leading to cost reduction, by developing innovative research, modelling and optimization for floating substructure concepts. This is achieved by developing research on the mooring and anchoring systems, power dynamic cables, O&M as well as digitalization, standardization and validation.
DAEKIN aims to investigate the technological advances needed for the definition of a reference architecture for a data sharing platform for offshore wind energy data thanks to the value chain in the Basque Country, based on the IDSA ecosystem. It will support the development of services around data with guarantees of traceability, security and governance.
DOCC-OFF developed a digital platform which may reduce the impact of some hydraulic pitch system failure modes on the wind turbine´s design load cases. The digital platform detects potential issues on the pitch system that in the future could cause performance issues on the wind turbine. This way, the operators will be able to anticipate to failures.
The goal of DURABLE is to accelerate the performance of renewable energies through the validation and demonstration of aerospace technologies applied in robotics for operation and maintenance activities of wind and solar energy systems. The application of these technologies together with composites and additive manufacturing are developing full innovative solutions that will automate inspection and repair tasks for a more cost-efficient energy production.
FLOATECH is a Horizon 2020 project funded under the Energy programme aiming at increasing the technical maturity and the cost competitiveness of floating offshore wind energy.
INNTERESTING aims to accelerate wind energy technology development and to extend the lifetime of wind turbine components by developing innovative virtual and hybrid testing methods for prototype validation of pitch bearing and gearbox components. This includes disruptive technologies for new pitch bearings and gearboxes, and a third case for significantly extending the lifetime of existing pitch bearings.
ESTEYCO is an independent civil engineering and architecture consulting firm founded in 1970, with a vast experience in Projects and Works execution, in such different areas as Road and Railway infrastructures, Bridges and Structures, Water engineering, Environment, Architecture, Urban planning and Energy Infrastructures. Related to wind energy, ESTEYCO has a 25-year experience as a civil engineering consultant, having worked in about 450 wind farms, with 55 GW power installed, in more than 40 countries of 5 continents, as has also a +10 years track record in Offshore Wind, where it has developed proprietary technologies for WTG support.
PLATOON aims to digitalise the energy sector by deploying distributed edge processing and data analytics technologies for optimised real-time energy system management in a simple way for the energy domain experts. Data governance will be guaranteed via IDS-based connectors. PLATOON will be validated in 7 pilots in 4 countries providing real Energy Big Data cases. Technology transfer into the market will be facilitated by a tendering process via Open Calls.
SEAPOWER project aims to promote collaborative research and development integrating technologies, components and solutions for offshore fixed and floating structures, towers and auxiliary systems, for the next generation of high-power wind turbines (10MW+).
Innovation Park programme
Tuesday, 23 November
Energy Island LEGO model live show by Energinet
Wednesday, 24 November
Networking drinks
Thursday, 25 November
Start-up Ceremony
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