ProceedingsProgrammeTechnical & Scientific ProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent partnersSafety, Skills & Training ZoneInnovation ParkProgramme Committees & Abstract ReviewersGlobal Markets TheatreDigital twins for future smart wind turbines
When: Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 12:00 - 13:00
Where: Innovation Park - Hall C4
Session description
The Danish-German joint research project ReliaBlade develops and demonstrates techniques to create Digital Twins for wind turbine blades with their unique defects and imperfections. The digital twin can track not only the current state of the blade but also be used to predict the future state - as damages initiate and grow through its entire life cycle. This session will inspire you about what digital twin technology may mean for the wind energy industry and what it gives of opportunities for the future.
Session chair

Ignacio Martí
Head of Division, DTU Wind Energy

Improving wind turbine blade reliability through use of digital twins
Kim Branner
Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy

Monitoring and digitalization of wind turbine blades using optical MEMS sensors
Kasper Reck-Nielsen
CEO, CEKO Sensors ApS

The Digital Twin: concept, value creation and recent work in the ReliaBlade project
Silvia Vettori
Research Engineer, Siemens Digital Industries Software