ProceedingsProgrammeTechnical & Scientific ProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent partnersSafety, Skills & Training ZoneInnovation ParkProgramme Committees & Abstract ReviewersGlobal Markets TheatreSustainability: managing change towards a carbon-neutral supply chain
When: Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 11:00 - 12:00
Where: Innovation Park - Hall C4
Session description
The green deal set Europe the objective of reaching carbon neutrality by 2050, but many companies haven’t waited for policymakers to start their own journey towards achieving net-zero, in their own operations and beyond, across their whole value chain. Is your company on such a journey! Join us and share your experience!
This interactive session will explore the choices and challenges facing businesses that embark on such an exciting journey. We’ll talk about the innovative mindset that it requires to manage and achieve the required change(s), share examples from companies at different stations in their own journey towards net zero.
Session chair

Lene Mi Ran Kristiansen
Sustainability Leader, GE Renewable Energy
Panel Discussion

Patrick Sullivan
Senior Global Product Leader, Wind Energy, Owens Corning

Thomas Schroeder
Director, Nordic & Central Eastern Europe, Energy & Sustainability Services, Schneider Electric

Simon Juul Toft
Lead Specialist, Green Procurement , Ørsted