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When: Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 11:00 - 12:00
Where: Innovation Park - Hall C4
Session description
Building sector is largest energy consumer in Europe today (36% of energy demand).
Most of that demand is covered by gas and oil, especially in residential buildings. The share of electricity is increasing but must accelerate.
By 2030 Direct and indirect electrification in buildings should reach 40% (residential) and 65% (commercial).
By 2050 this should be 50-70% and 80% respectively.
Electric heat pumps are the best solution for space heating & cooling. They are three times more efficient than their fossil fuel-based technologies.
The most important barrier to deployment of electric heating solutions today is the higher level of taxes and levies applied to the electricity consumption.
In addition, local targets and incentives can drive down the relatively high upfront capital cost for private users.
Session chair

Pauline Lucas
Policy Manager, Euroheat & Power

Jonas Loholm Hamann
Business Process Expert, Danfoss Drives A/S

Anders Andersen
Head of R&D, EMD International A/S

Helene Pulce
Strategic Senior Analyst, EDF