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When: Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 10:30 - 12:30
Where: Auditorium A12
Session description
Blades have become so big that they deserve now their own session! Wind turbine blades are capturing the energy from the wind and transfer it to the wind turbine mechanical drivetrain. Their spectacular size increase and the operation in various types of environments brings many challenges in terms of design, manufacturing, performance, monitoring, maintenance and end-of-life. This session will therefore cover several aspects of the blade lifecycle.
Session chair

John Korsgaard
Senior Director, Engineering Excellence, LM Wind Power

Nicolas Quiévy
Senior Wind Technology Manager - Key Expert, ENGIE

TRiceR, a web-application for supporting risk-based decisions associated with ice falling from wind turbine blades located in urban and industrial environments
Xavier Vanwijck
Digital product manager, Tractebel

Going full circle: Eco-design and innovative manufacturing to enable 100% recyclable wind turbine blades
Katelyn Huber
Product Life Cycle Project Leader, LM Wind Power

Towards a complete wind turbine blade monitoring system
Robert Ernst
Senior Wind Turbine Blade Engineer, PolyTech

A method for vessel-based blade repair
Caspar Blum
Senior Business Development Manager - Offshore Wind, Ampelmann Operations BV

ProBlade Ultra - Innovative leading edge protection to optimize levelized cost of energy by reducing maintenance costs and increasing annual energy production
Divya Thumsi
Business Development Manager, LM Wind Power

Induced stalled flow due to roughness sensitivity for thick airfoils in modern wind turbines.
Rubén Gutiérrez
Aerodynamic Blade Engineer & Phd Candidate, Nordex Group

Relative dynamic blade pitch misalignment detection using TripleCMAS and visual inspection
Xavier Tolron
Head of Analysis and Drone R&D, Ventus Engineering GmbH

Torsion implications on new modern large blades failures
Andrei Buliga
Head of structural group, Bladena