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Product Life Cycle Project Leader, LM Wind Power
Katelyn Huber joined the wind industry in 2014, working in LM Wind Power's Global Communications and Sustainability team, where she was responsible for driving the company's external and internal communication strategy for the wind turbine blade sustainability and carbon neutrality programs. In 2020, Katelyn took on a new position as Product Life Cycle Project Leader, managing strategic engineering projects that advance sustainability throughout the wind turbine blade life cycle - from materials and design, to manufacturing, operation and decommissioning. Katelyn represents LM Wind Power and GE Renewable Energy in sustainability - and circularity-related cross-industry forums and projects, including the WindEurope Sustainability Working Group. Katelyn graduated from Willamette University in Oregon, USA with a B.A. in Politics and a minor in Environmental Science. She moved to Denmark in 2013 after being awarded the Danish State Scholarship to complete an M.Sc. in Human Security at Aarhus University.Presentations
- Blades
Going full circle: Eco-design and innovative manufacturing to enable 100% recyclable wind turbine blades