ProceedingsProgrammeSpeakersPostersSafety, Skills & Training ZoneThought Leaders ForumPoster viewing2
When: Wednesday, 3 April 2019, 15:30 - 16:15
Where: Networking and poster area

PO001: Gearbox 4.0: Gathering quality data for predictive maintenance
Eneko Gorritxategi
CTO, Atten2 Advanced Monitoring Technologies

PO009: Why data quality matters
Bjørn Dörr Jensen
Decision Intelligence Specialist, Vestas Wind Systems A/S

PO016: Life Time Extension: practical experiences with stall and pitch regulated turbines
Bart Visser
Senior Chief Engineer, MECAL
PO018: LIVEON: assessing options for life extension
Laura Fitzmaurice
Research Associate, Ulster University

PO019: A 20 year old wind turbine lifetime extension case study
Fabrice Estézet
Head of Type Certification, Bureau Veritas

PO023: Validation of bat deterrent effectiveness through full-scale testing on several wind plants
Brogan Morton
Senior Product Manager, NRG Systems
PO027: 3D floating RADAR for a better understanding of bird & bats activity on OWF development areas
Maxime Bellorge
Project Sales Director, Akrocean

PO031: Remanufacturing in wind energy could reduce the levelized cost of energy (LCOE)
Philipp Schmid
Marketing Manager, SKF

PO032: Wind energy, aviation safety and the community - a complex relationship
Adrian Young
Senior Aviation Consultant, To70

PO046: A new lightweight wave canceling semi-submersible design
Frank Lemmer
Research Associate, University of Stuttgart

PO052: Drift stability of HyStOH semi-submersible supported by aerodynamic shaped structrures
Andreas Manjock
Principal Engineer, DNV GL

PO054: Geographical influence in wind energy price: spatial analysis of capture price in the Iberian Peninsula
Sergio Jiménez Sanjuán
Senior Data Scientist, DNV GL

PO055: Increasing hosting capacity from PV and wind power plants using spatial and temporal demand side management
Dimitrije Kotur
Power Solution Architect, Schneider Electric DMS NS

PO057: Free wind operation of wind turbine for permanent power system frequency support
Zeljko Djurisic
University of Belgrade - School of Electrical Engineering

PO063: International experience of wind integration - success stories of operating power systems with large amounts of wind power
Hannele Holttinen
Partner, Recognis & Operating Agent at IEA WIND Task 25

PO064: Increasing coverage for renewables through wind, PV and energy storage hybridization
Enrique Iriarte Madurga
Innovation - Projects Director, Acciona Energía

PO066: Hybrids enhancing capacity factors and more optimal use of existing grid infrastructure
Amelie Wulff
Global Sales Leader Hybrid Solutions, GE Renewable Energy

PO068: Price capturing in Spain: taming wind farm merchant risk
Alexander Klein
Technical advisor, Everoze Partners

PO083: Sensing & remote monitoring for wind turbine components suppliers
José Ignacio Hormaeche
General Manager, Basque Energy Cluster (Cluster Energia)
PO092: Data to action: advanced analytics applied to asset management
Jesus Vita
Vice President - Business Development EMEA, Power Factors

PO098: The effect of wake position and yaw misalignment on power loss in wind turbines
Jaime Liew
Research Assistant, DTU Wind Energy

PO103: Aeronautical experience and technology for reliable and long life wind energy
Joseba Aramburu
VP Corporate Projects, Aernnova Aerospace

PO110: Quality assurance with drones for on- and offshore wind turbines
Robert Hörmann
CEO, Aero Enterprise GmbH

PO112: O&M management optimization based on lubrication systems handling
Alvaro Romo
Field Services Leader, Atten2 Advanced Monitoring Technologies

PO118: How to get rid of static data reports and interface problems?
Nordine Saïdi Mazarou
Engineer Advisor, IMDC nv

PO120: Flexible quality control methodology applicable for diverse data sources
Beatriz Cañadillas
Senior Engineer at R&D group, UL International

PO125: Wind Asset Management - Integrated Solution
Kjersti Røkenes
Product Director Renewables, Kongsberg Digital AS

PO129: Deep learning is blowing in the wind - deep models applied to wind predication
Jaume Manero
Professor, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

PO131: Turbulence intensity measurements – a multi-site comparison between Z300 and traditional anemometry
Scott Wylie
Wind & Verifications Engineer, Zephir Ltd

PO132: A reliable experimental methodology for the study of wind-turbine rotor blade aerodynamics
Marco Costantini
Researcher, Deutsches Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt e.V. (DLR)

PO133: How drones can improve topography inspections, terrain modelling and energy yield assessment
Niels Peyre
Senior Renewable Energy Consultant, Wood

PO135: AEOLIKOS project: Design and development of the first Greek long-range wind lidar
George Avdikos
R & D / New products, Raymetrics

PO140: Use of instantaneous and directional wind shears in the extrapolation of wind data to hub height and their influence in wind turbine power estimation
Soledad Sanz Sánchez-Luengo
Wind Resource Engineer, Iberdrola Renovables

PO143: Novel aerodynamic damping identification for operating wind turbines
Chao Chen
Research Student, University College London

PO144: Breakthrough weather prediction technology enables wind turbine resolving resource assessments.
Remco Verzijlbergh
Director of Operations, Whiffle Weather Finecasting

PO147: Improving accuracy of wind resource assessment through feedback loops of operational performance data: a South African case study
Tim Crutchley
Energy Resource Services Manager, Lloyd's Register

PO148: Application of mesoscale models to complex climates: a case study in the desert of Atacama
Eulalia Monfort
Analyst, UL International

PO149: On the meso-to-microscale modeling of the atmospheric boundary layer in a complex terrain site: an open-science framework.
Roberto Aurelio Chavez-Arroyo
Researcher, CENER

PO150: Enhanced modelling of the stratified atmospheric boundary layer over steep terrain for wind resource assessment
Alex Flores-Maradiaga
Assitant Professor & Head of the Hirschmann Renewable Energy Lab, Federico Santa María Technical University

PO151: An approach for estimating energy losses due to ice in pre-construction energy assessments
Alejandro Abascal
Global Technical Support Head - Energy Assessment, Iberdrola Renovables

PO155: Machine learning methods to reduce uncertainty in energy yield assessment
Trenton Bush
Analyst, K2 Management

PO158: A model for comparative assessment of wind sites with regards to blade erosion
Raul Prieto
Senior Scientist - Wind Power, VTT - Technical Research Centre of Finland

PO161: SCADA data as a means for the verification of mesoscale wind simulations
Axel Weiter
Product Developer Wind Atlas, anemos GmbH

PO165: Analysis on the parameters under the power measurement uncertainty for a small wind turbine
Keonhoon Kim

PO166: Using wind data from meteorological stations in France for the long-term adjustment
Hélène Willis
Wind Analyst, Eoltech

PO167: Introduction of principle of reversal of evidence in power curve warranties
Axel Albers
Managing Director, Deutsche WindGuard

PO169: Flow Complexity Recognition and vector averaging. Experience with LiDAR data in moderately complex terrain.
Nicolas Marquet
Engineer, DNV GL

PO171: Using lightships in the North Sea as a platform for long term wind lidar measurements
Beatriz Cañadillas
Senior Engineer at R&D group, UL International

PO172: Engineering models for turbine wake velocity deficit and wake deflection. A new proposed approach for onshore and offshore applications.
Renzo Ruisi
Researcher, DNV GL
PO175: Rapid RANS wake simulation with customisable turbine models: CPU / GPU with Python interface
David Standingford
Director, Zenotech Ltd

PO177: Innovative solutions for developing soft skills and leadership skills in the wind energy industry for the digital era
Sarah Barber
Programme Leader Wind Energy, University of Applied Sciences Rapperswil

PO186: Reduction of LCoE by a smart tower solution for hub heights of 160+ [m]
Wolfgang Fuellhaas
Project Manager, MECAL

PO187: Gearbox design for wear minimization: lessons from the field
Edgar Martinez de Aguas
CEO, Atten2 Advanced Monitoring Technologies

PO188: Development of INGECON® WIND LV Power Converter for DFIG topology wind turbines up to 5.X MW
Aritz Lorea Iriguíbel
DFM Product Manager, Ingeteam Power Technology S.A.

PO192: MODEOL: New generation of technology for the development of wind turbine modules
Aitor Zurutuza
R&D Manager, Laulagun Bearings

PO194: A straightforward way to calculate the stiffness of slewing bearings
Iker Heras
Associate professor, University of the Basque Country

PO197: Wind tunnel setup for experimental validation of wind turbine control concepts under tailor-made reproducible wind conditions
Vlaho Petrović
Postdoc, ForWind, University of Oldenburg

PO198: Parametric study of vane-type vortex generators under adverse pressure gradient by source term modelling in OpenFOAM
Unai Fernandez-Gamiz
Associate Professor, University of the Basque Country

PO200: A new approach for comparability of two- and three-bladed 20 MW offshore wind turbines
Fabian Anstock
Research Associate, Hamburg University of Applied Science

PO202: Pitch bearing lifetime prediction considering the effect of the pitch control strategy
Arkaitz Lopez Jauregui
PhD Engineering, Laulagun Bearings
PO203: Challenges of next generation wind turbine blades
John Korsgaard
Senior Director, LM Wind Power

PO206: The benefit of the teetering rotor in an offshore wind turbine and floating platform system
Silvestro Caruso
CTO, Seawind Ocean Technology

PO207: Evolutionary bearing design could boost wind turbine availability and profitability
Blanca Martin
Global Business Development - Energy, SKF

PO211: On wind turbine control for participation in grid frequency regulation
Iker Elorza
Control and Monitoring Researcher, IK4-Ikerlan

PO216: Foundation damping modelling for the optimum design of offshore wind turbines
Abdollah Malekjafarian
Research Scientist, University College Dublin

PO218: Integrated implementation of industrial innovation for offshore wind cost reduction
Jesper Moeller
Head of Offshore Balance of Plant Innovations, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO221: Effects of leading edge erosion on the power performance and acoustic noise emissions of locally manufactured small wind turbine blades
Kostas Latoufis
Researcher, National Technical University of Athens (NTUA)
PO225: Computational fluid dynamics methodology for characterisation of leading edge erosion in whirling arm test rigs
Robbie Herring
EngD Student, University of Bristol

PO229: CFD for site calibration of nacelle mounted lidar
Matt Smith
Senior Sales Manager, Zephir Ltd

PO231: Digital twin of a real wind turbine: development and validation
Alvaro González-Salcedo
Engineer, CENER

PO232: Development of a panel code and integration into OpenFAST
Alvaro González-Salcedo
Engineer, CENER

PO236: Innovative system for performance monitoring and optimization: independent data to increase AEP & preserve turbine lifetime
Mus Rezzoug
Managing Director, Sereema