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Electrification and system integration Technical and Scientific Programme
When: Wednesday, 24 November 2021, 10:45 - 12:15
Where: Auditorium A10
Session chair

Georges Kariniotakis
Professor, Head of Renewable Energies & SmartGrids Group, Centre PERSEE, MINES ParisTech

Francisco Javier Ramírez Miranda
Director of Hydrogen and E-fuels, Nordex Group

Offshore Wind-to-Hydrogen Production Plant integrated with an Innovative Hydro-pneumatic Energy Storage Device
Daniel Buhagiar
Co-Founder/CEO, FLASC B.V.

A new Energy Hub in the Mediterranean Sea: Green Hydrogen Production from Offshore Wind and Floating Solar PV
Matteo Anzalone
Wind Analyst, Saipem

Hydrogen as a route to market for new wind projects in Europe
Molly Iliffe
Principal Consultant, ERM

Massive deployment of floating wind to hydrogen production in mature O&G fields in a post-carbon future
Andreas Emmert
Commercial Director, Dolfines

Deep Purple - Offshore hydrogen production for export and re-electrification
Harald Ulleberg
Business and Project Developer, TechnipFMC