ProceedingsProgrammeTechnical & Scientific ProgrammeSpeakersPostersContent partnersSafety, Skills & Training ZoneInnovation ParkProgramme Committees & Abstract ReviewersGlobal Markets TheatreResource assessment - Modelling & Measurements 1
When: Tuesday, 23 November 2021, 13:00 - 14:30
Where: Auditorium A15
Session description
The more accurate the assessment of the wind resource is when planning a wind farm, the more accurate the estimation of Annual Energy Production will be, and hence the stronger the business case and the lower the financing costs. Proper wind resource assessment is therefore a cornerstone of every wind project, especially as the environment for wind projects becomes increasingly merchant. The "Resource Assessment" sessions will focus on reducing uncertainty when estimating how much wind there is at a given site, through better models and validation tools. It is designed for wind energy professionals who conduct or commission wind resource assessment campaigns, researchers working on wind dynamics and modelling, data scientists and analysts, as well as anyone interested in staying up-to-date on new technology and research developments in this fast-moving and increasingly digital field.
Session chair

Line Storelvmo Holmberg
Senior Vice President, Application, Controls and Electrical, Vestas

Jakob Mann
Professor, Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy

How do NEWA and ERA5 compare for assessing offshore wind resources and wind farm siting conditions?
Paul Meyer
Workingstudent, Fraunhofer IWES

Simulating long-term wind time series by coupling mesoscale simulations with full-scale spectra
David Schillebeeckx
Wind Analyst, 3E

Large-scale offshore wind farm wakes on power integration system
Jake Badger
Head of Section, DTU Wind Energy

Treatment of large-scale cluster wake effects in industry suited models
Bernhard Lange
Division Director, Fraunhofer IWES