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PO003: Innovative method to evaluate turbine upgrades - Poster pitch
Bruno Pinto, Chief Technology Officer, Sereema

PO004: Progress in Aerodynamic Imbalance Detection : Pitch Health Indicator using SCADA data
Nicolas Quiévy, Wind Technology Manager, ENGIE

PO008: Comparison of wind speed and TI measurement in induction zone from 3 sensor technologies
Olivier Coupiac, Wind & Solar Analyst, INNERGEX

PO009: Method for the analysis of the effect of Power Smoothing on the cost of active power reserves
Andrés Peña Asensio, Control Algorithms Engineer, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO010: Performance Analysis of Wind Farm with SCADA data: from the methodology to a case study
Gang Huang, Research engineer, Meteodyn
PO011: Wind turbine lifecycle assessment and long-term performance evaluation through SCADA data analysis
Davide Astolfi, Post Doc, University of Perugia

PO013: nabla analytics: wind assets guardian, monitoring loads and performance, while guiding preventive O&M
Ahmed Moussa, Head of Business Development, Nabla Wind Hub

PO014: Development of a new degradation oil test method for gearbox oils using the color measurement
Yesid Antonio Gomez, OCM Diagnostician Manager, Bureau Veritas

PO016: The Impact of Scour on Natural Frequency
Kester Gunn, Modelling and Analytics Expert, RWE Renewables

PO019: Concept for an open database of acoustical wind turbine measurements
Daphne Schössow, PhD Student, Institute of Communications Technology, Leibniz University Hannover

PO021: Evaluating the effective energy gain due to power performance upgrades by processing historical data with python
Serena Lamberti, Wind Technology Specialist, Eni Plenitude

PO022: From Blade to BigQuery: A case study of the Aerosense Data Gateway with open-source, production-ready code.
Marcus Lugg, Senior Software Engineer, Octue

PO025: Large-scale turbine performance monitoring using adaptive Machine Learning
Bruno Pinto, Chief Technology Officer, Sereema

PO026: Opening Up the Wind Industry - Release and Analysis of Open SCADA Data
Charlie Plumley, Performance Manager, Cubico

PO029: Streamlined deployment of value generating machine learning on live operational data
Philip Bradstock, Technical Lead, Bitbloom Ltd

PO030: Understanding data-driven power curve models with XAI - Poster pitch
Simon Letzgus, Researcher, Technische Universität Berlin

PO032: Digitalization of gearbox domain knowledge to power an automated data driven recommendations for spare parts optimization
Mihail Ivanov, Product Manager Digitalization, ZF Wind Power

PO033: How inspection findings help to drive informed maintenance decisions
Rasmus Dovnborg Frederiksen, Data Engineer, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO034: A Hybrid Intelligent Ultra short-term wind power forecasting Method Based on Multi-Decomposition
Jiangsheng Zhu, Senior Engineer, SEWPG European Innovation Center ApS

PO035: Advanced Model Predictive Control Strategies for the Provision of Energy and Ancillary Services by Wind Farms Coupled with Storage
Simon Camal, Research engineer, MINES Paris - PSL University

PO036: Analysis of optimal use of wind power forecasting for Energy management system solution to spot markets participation
Jesús López Merino, Control Algorithms Engineer, Siemens Gamesa Renewable Energy

PO037: Automatic Feature Selection and Forecast Combination to Enhance and Generalize Renewable Energy Forecasting
Georges Kariniotakis, Professor, Head of Renewable Energies & SmartGrids Group, Centre PERSEE, MINES Paris, PSL

PO039: Forecast Based Maintenance Planning
Henrique Diogenes, Performance and Reliability Engineering Coordinator, Casa dos Ventos Energias Renováveis

PO040: Improved Short-Term Wind Power Forecasts Using Low-Latency Feedback Error Correction
Ana Rita Silva, Data Scientist, Utopus Insights

PO041: Smart4RES next-generation forecasting solutions for wind turbines, aggregations and different temporal scales
Simon Camal, Research engineer, MINES Paris - PSL University

PO042: Towards increased interpretability of AI-tools in the energy sector with focus on the wind energy trading application
Konstantinos Parginos, Ph.D. Researcher, MINES Paris - PSL University

PO044: Wind power forecasting using different weather forecast data sources: a case study
Gang Huang, Research engineer, Meteodyn

PO045: How does the accessibility of floating wind farm sites compare to existing fixed bottom sites?
David Rowell, PhD Student, University of Strathclyde

PO047: Optimized Lifetime Consumption to Increase Market Revenues and Cumulated Energy Yield
Boris Fischer, Research engineer, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO048: Improving the Global wind Atlas wind speed estimates using a Kriging algorithm
Mouhamet Diallo, wind expert, Tractebel

PO051: Deep learning-based modeling of wake-induced effects in wind farms
Suguang Dou, Researcher, DTU Wind Energy

PO052: Energy yield improvement considering wake steering simulations
Cédric Dall'Ozzo, Innovation / R&D Project Manager, EDF Renouvelables

PO057: Assessment of Remaining Useful Lifetime for Wind Turbines using a Modular Digital Twin Platform
Marcus Wiens, Research Associate, Fraunhofer IWES

PO059: Comparison of the long-term sources for wind energy assessments in France and Italy
Timothé Dizengremel, Senior Engineer – Project Development & Analytics, DNV

PO060: Comparison of two methods in atmospheric stratification determination
Ru LI, Research engineer, Meteodyn
PO061: Considerations for offshore wind farm layout design and optimisation and impacts on LCoE
Jon Collins, Lead Data Scientist, Wood Thilsted
PO062: Cost-effective mesoscale modeling methods for offshore wind resource assessment with farm wake effect
Jana Fischereit, Researcher, DTU Wind and Energy Systems

PO063: Drones Swarm-Uncrewed Vessel routing and scheduling for offshore wind farm inspection
Sarinova Simandjuntak, Senior Lecturer, Universitiy of Porthsmouth

PO067: LiDAR-only load response comparison: a way towards LiDAR-only turbine suitability assessments
Sayantan Chattopadhyay, Lead Siting Solutions Engineer, Vestas

PO069: Mesoscale-microscale coupling method for Wind Resource Assessment in Large Coastal Area in India
Ru LI, Research engineer, Meteodyn

PO071: Monitoring of Floating Lidar Measurement Data with Datasets from Numerical Weather Forecasts
Warren Watson, Data Analyst, Fraunhofer IWES

PO072: Perdigão – a case study of different wind farm optimization strategies
Lasse Svenningsen, R&D Manager, EMD International A/S

PO073: Power curve of wind farm fitting base on Gaussian mixture distribution and S-curve
Gang Huang, Research engineer, Meteodyn

PO074: Reference wind speed for performance monitoring of wind farms: an operational energy assessment point-of-view
Guilherme Pedrosa, Engineering Consultant, Auren Energia

PO076: Wind Sector-Wise Distribution Modeling over Complex Terrains
Thales Delmiro, Wind Project Engineer, Casa dos Ventos Energias Renováveis

PO077: WindKit: a Python framework for wind resource assessment applications
Bjarke Tobias Olsen, Researcher, DTU Wind Energy

PO078: Wind-validation: a free and open-source python package to simplify validation
Rogier Floors, Senior Researcher, DTU Wind Energy

PO079: A control software for customised scanning and multi-lidar measurement campaigns
Doron Callies, Senior Scientist, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO080: CFD-based LiDAR flow curvature correction in complex terrain
Ru LI, Research engineer, Meteodyn

PO081: Comparing different nacelle lidar measurement principles – what is their impact on the reconstructed parameters?
Paul Meyer, Winddata Analyst, Fraunhofer IWES

PO083: IEA Wind Task 52 ‘Large-Scale Deployment of Wind Lidar'
Julia Gottschall, Chief Scientist and IEA Wind Task 52 Operating Agent, Fraunhofer IWES

PO084: Industry-first classification of nacelle-mounted lidar as per new IEC 61400-50-3 standard
Robin Cote, Market and Offering Manager, Vaisala

PO085: Learnings from over 25 floating lidar validation campaigns for offshore wind resource assessment
Eric Rose, Wind Energy Researcher, TNO

PO089: Energy Yield Assessment And Optimization Using Measurement And Scada Data For Extension Projects In Complex Terrain
Mehmet Ozkan Basar, Wind & Site Engineer, Nordex Group

PO090: Power performance measurements with nacelle mounted lidars for floating offshore wind turbines
Moritz Gräfe, Research Assistant, Universität Stuttgart

PO091: Comparison of temporal downscaling techniques on Reanalysis temperature data: improving the air density time series estimation
Matheus Cunha, Wind Resource Assessment Data Analysis Coordinator, Casa dos Ventos Energias Renováveis

PO092: Ground-based lidar wind field reconstruction uncertainty propagation compared to laboratory and outdoor manufacturing tests
Andrew Black, Research and Applications Engineer, Vaisala

PO094: Introduction to the Forthcoming IEC 61400-15-2 Standard - Poster pitch
Andrew Henderson, Chief Windfarm Engineer, Copenhagen Offshore Partners

PO095: Investigating underperformance by modelling power, relying only on limited SCADA data
Mateo Obregon, Performance Data Scientist, BayWa r.e.

PO096: Investigations on de-trending and turbine loads - Poster pitch
Ingo Hirschhausen, Senior Engineer Wind and Site Assessment Methods, Nordex Group

PO098: Reduction of wind speed spatial variation uncertainties in a large on-shore wind farm array utilizing mesoscale modelling
Nikolaos Daniil, Senior Manager, Technical - Renewables, AMEA Power

PO100: The five main influencing factors for lidar errors in complex terrain
Tobias Klaas-Witt, Research staff, Fraunhofer Institut for Energy Economics and Energy System Technology (IEE)

PO101: Uncertainty quantification of CFD models for wind resource assessment using polynomial chaos
Jonas Schmidt, Senior Scientist, Fraunhofer IWES
PO102: Capacity density of offshore wind farms in Europe – Technical challenges and mitigations
Jon Collins, Lead Data Scientist, Wood Thilsted

PO103: Wake parametrization and surrogate modeling for loads and power prediction
Nicolas Bonfils, Research Engineer, IFPEN